Would You Like To Appear Younger? You Will Require This.

There is nothing in this world more than this that can create impact on others

Vinod Kumar Kashyap
Science For Life
3 min readJul 31, 2021


Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

When asked what you can do to make a difference in the lives of others, what would you say? Smile! There is nothing more potent than a grin, and it has no cost. Smiling every day can boost your energy levels, your money and your happiness levels.

A lot of people will start chatting to you as a result. People will find you more appealing. As a result, you will feel more energized. A grin may also have a profound impact on the lives of others around you. People will abandon the notion of suicide with only one grin. You have no financial obligation to grin.

You may experience minor or major issues in your life. What’s the big deal? Smiling at your difficulties might lead to a solution. It spreads quickly. Grin at someone, and they will smile back. It doesn’t matter if you do it now or tomorrow. Spend some time at a park when you leave your house, and smile at individuals who pass by.

“A simple smile. That’s the start of opening your heart and being compassionate to others.” — Dalai Lama

A few individuals will grin back at you, while others will not. Most people will be able to get by. Why? It’s contagious, and that’s the only explanation. As you continue to smile, people will begin to love you.

We are all people, and we all have to deal with issues. It doesn’t matter if you confront them with a grin or not; they’ll pass. Why not greet them with a smile? There is no getting around that. It is free.

The other person will reciprocate your grin. Such is the power of a grin that he will succumb to you. Now once you’re smiling, keep it up. When you grin, your body begins to undergo chemical changes as a result. You’re more energized, potent, attentive, and concentrated than ever before!

Laughing releases stress-relieving chemicals in your body, which will assist you to feel energized and more focused on what you’re trying to do. Some folks have a hard time smiling because they’re tired of living. These people aren’t living their lives to the utmost potential.

“Use your smile to change the world; don’t let the world change your smile.” — Chinese Proverb

Keep a smile on your face, and you will appear younger. In the face of any difficulty or stress in your life, this is an effective technique. Because of this, today’s laughing clubs are trendy. To assist you to unwind following a stressful day, laughing clubs offer you a few moments of a laugh. They help you de-stress and become more productive the next day.

To lower their blood pressure, people with high blood pressure should smile and laugh more. It will help keep your blood pressure at an average level, resulting in fewer doctor’s visits.

Here are some of the benefits of smiling

  1. As a result of smiling, you live longer.
  2. Smiling reduces stress.
  3. A smile may lift your mood.
  4. Smiling has a contagious quality to it.
  5. The immune system is boosted when you smile.
  6. When you smile, your blood pressure may go down!
  7. It has been proven that smiling can reduce pain.
  8. It is proven that smiling makes you more attractive.
  9. Looking younger is made more accessible by smiling.
  10. Smiling promotes better interpersonal relationships.

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Vinod Kumar Kashyap
Science For Life

Digital Writer & Storyteller | Bringing Visions to Life Through Premium Ghostwriting​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​