About Science Journal

David Pfeiffer
Science Journal
Published in
2 min readApr 12, 2017

The Medium publication Science Journal exists to promote scientifically-literate rhetoric on the internet. Articles range from a wide variety of topics, and not all topics are directly related to scientific fields of study. Rather, the goal of the publication is to unify a broad scope of topics with an underlying theme: making sense of the world through science.

The publication maintains two founding principles: that the scientific method is the best tool we have to understand the world, and that arguments, regardless of what issues they are addressing, should be backed up with evidence the same way scientific theories are.

Science Journal Principles and Guidelines

  1. The first principles approach to thinking should be applied when reasoning from axioms or any rhetoric fundamental to the base argument.
  2. Articles should include references to reputable sources when citing information outside the domain of common knowledge.
  3. Articles should be updated regularly to account for new information.
  4. Articles should not contradict the vast body of peer-reviewed science.
  5. Logical fallacies should not be committed in any arguments.
  6. Articles should not make definitive statements or allude to complete certainty in their conclusions. Science gives us the best answer we have right now, but not necessarily the absolutely correct answer every time.
  7. An argument should never be made without explicitly considering and addressing alternative views.
  8. Controversial topics should be approached respectfully, and should avoid being condescending to to either side of an argument.
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David Pfeiffer
Science Journal

I write about science, technology, philosophy, personal growth, education, and life.