Genie’s Lamp!

Victor Bhaura
Science Junction
Published in
4 min readDec 21, 2021


A Machine that can create anything……

Photo by veeterzy on Unsplash

What do you want?

What are your wishes?

Do you want a house?

Or you want everything…..

I’ve a diary that I callMagical Diary. It’s a magical object. I found it inside a cave. You can call it — My Diary or Dear Diary — You’re totally free to do so. It’s connected to mind and its pondering. When an idea enters in mind, jotting it down in this diary, can do wonders. How? Diary creates the exact object that you’ve imagined.

It can’t be true! that’s what you’re thinking, right? Don’t worry — I just shared with you my last night’s dream.

Wouldn’t it be great if we’d such a magical diary in reality? Just write your wishes and the diary would grant you whatever you’ve longed for.


A magic lamp! Just rub it and a jinn would fulfil your wishes. I know you’d the same thought when you read about “Aladdin and his magic lamp”.

Have you ever came across such an object? Did you ever search for a machine that can fulfil your wishes?
— I have. I already mentioned my dream. And I’m going to share my experience or information that I gathered, after exploring my dream with the help of internet. I googled if there is such a device that fulfils wishes. I know that was a dumb question. Google gave me the answer in a few seconds more than it usually takes. Maybe it thought the same.

Whenever ideas enter in my mind. I just think…and think….and think….I’m not a scientist, I’m just a curious person — same as you. What I think I try to gather as much information as possible about the topic. And I try to research these topics in books, on internet, on podcasts, on wherever and whatever you call the source of information. You’ll doff your hat in reverence for what I found — a robotic-jinn. I’ll tell you about it after the proceeding situation.

Let’s take a hypothetical situation:

Suppose you want to be the first person to land on Mars. What would you need? Confused? ….You’re already used to the devices, gadgets and other things that you regard as important for survival”. And being the only human being on an alien planet, would alienate you from Earth and all its earthly pleasures. Starting from a grain of food to the high-tech computers — nothing is there on Mars.
You’re sad! Wait.. We don’t want you to banish your utilities. We’ve something for you….not just something but a single thing would be enough to call everything. We want to gift you quite an extra-ordinary thing.

Photo by Luca Jonas on Unsplash

I searched it on the internet if there is someone else too who has the same weird idea, and it was there — a machine called Nanofabricator. Renowned British science historian James Burke believed in this machine —that could be created in future.
Even Richard Feynman gave weightage to the possibility of manipulation of individual atoms as a more powerful form of synthetic chemistry — it means machine could be built in future including a Nanofabricator. Let’s understand about this machine in a single line.

What is a Nanofabricator?

In simple words, it’s a machine that can create anything.

How does it work?

I’ll walk you through the process, just for once; as I want you to be independent.
Give it raw materials — the natural elements — and the machine will not disappoint you. Just pour in the raw materials like soil, water, metal, and you can have anything you like. It’ll create everything out of nothing. At first these nanofabricators will be like the first computers, as large as rooms. Over time however, these room sized factories can be miniaturised to be a part of home — you would be able to place it next to the furniture. It’ll work on atomic scale — playing with atoms. It would be an advanced version of a 3D-printer.


It’ll free humanity from the twin-problems of poverty and hunger. Not only this. Imagine a single machine once landed on the rocky terrain of Mars can transform into earth like paradise, like the one in the cover picture. From a needle to a skyscraper — it’ll build everything without any external help. You want water. Now, you know what to do. Give the machine hydrogen and oxygen and it’ll help you quench thirst. After water, you’re starving and your taste buds want food. No worries! Just switch on the Nanofabricator.

You want a vaccine? Add raw materials and the vaccine is ready with the wink of an eye.
Sorry, there should never be a situation to use vaccines. I’d to use the example of vaccine as there are billions of people who’ve not been vaccinated.

Photo by L N on Unsplash

It’ll take time for the Nanofabricator to become a reality. Well, nothing can be predicted — about its design, functions, and other features. Nanofabricator is an “idea (futuristic)” that I wanted to share with you……

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Victor Bhaura
Science Junction

I’m Victor, a Writer! — Just a simple person trying to share my ideas with you. I love travelling and writing books. Follow me if you enjoy my articles.