Victor Bhaura
Science Junction
Published in
8 min readAug 18, 2022


Mandela effect Or Multiverse?

The unsolved mystery

Many Worlds Interpretation Of Quantum Physics (Picture credit-Christian Schirm)-a branching of the universe occurs through a superposition of two quantum mechanical states.

Quantum physics is believed to govern all objects, large and small, but its consequences are most conspicuous in microscopic systems such as photons, atoms, and molecules. The Quantum world is based more upon uncertainty than certainty. Maybe in the Mandela effect, the events that people remember differently actually happened differently, but on another timeline. It is something of the sort that in psychology, is termed as false memory. A false memory is a phenomenon where people recall something that did not take place or recall it differently from the way it actually happened. If quantum mechanics governs everything why not the Mandela effect?
Maybe the solution to false memory is in quantum physics and the multiverse.


Before jumping to the concept let’s understand how the term “Mandela Effect” originated.
False memories can sometimes be shared by multiple people. The paranormal researcher Fiona Broome, who claimed to have vivid and precise memories of news coverage of South African anti-apartheid leader Nelson Mandela’s death in jail in the 1980s, coined the term “Mandela Effect” to describe this phenomenon. (In actuality, Mandela passed away in 2013, having presided over South Africa from 1994 to 1999.) Since 2010, “possibly thousands” of other people have posted online about sharing the identical experience of Mandela’s passing, according to Broome, who theorised that the phenomena might be proof of parallel universes. Millions of people have watched videos, hashtags, and websites. Despite the overwhelming amount of evidence to the contrary, all of these individuals have a similar memory of events.

What is Mandela Effect?

The Mandela Effect is an observed phenomenon in which a large segment of the population misremembers a significant event or shares a memory of an event that did not actually occur.

Mandela Effect examples

There are many examples of the Mandela effect some of them have been given below:

King Tut’s Mask — Many of you interested in the history of Egypt might have come across King Tut and his famous mask. But there are many people who remember the mask with a single cobra centered on the forehead, even various shows televised the mask with a single animal and the other (vulture) never came into the conscious awareness.

Moai Statues — The statues didn’t have red caps. Many of the sculptures didn’t have pointy noses. But there’s a group of people who say with utter confidence that the statues had red caps and even pointy noses.

Mona Lisa — Some would say there’s a noticeable curl to her lip, indicating some amusement. But there are people who would argue with confidence that the “Mona Lisa Smile” is a false memory.

King Henry VIII — People had a memory of a painting of Henry VIII eating a turkey leg, but the reality is no such painting has ever existed. There have been some cartoons created.

JFK’s Assassination — The assassination of President John F. Kennedy while traveling in a Dallas motorcade had six passengers in total. Many people said the car had four people in it.

New Zealand’s location — The location of New Zealand in relation to Australia. While twirling the globe you will say it is southeast of the country. On the contrary, there are people who claim to remember New Zealand being northeast instead of southeast.

Berenstain Bears — The Berenstain Bears” — there are quite a lot of people out there who are damn sure they remember the title as “The Bernstein Bears”.

If you read the examples of the Mandela effect you’ll say as if these people came from other worlds. From another world? Pause here. But if there isn’t a swap of people from other universes but only memories. How’s that possible?
When describing the Mandela effect there comes many versions of the answers that we assume — one such version is parallel universes or multiverses.

There is a phenomenon called entanglement swapping, the teleportation of an entangled state. This phenomenon is quite interesting because it can entangle two pairs of particles that do not share any common past.

Is the Mandela effect telling us something about quantum effects?
See for yourselves….

Organisations working on Mandela effect

Many researchers like Larson, theorists, and regular people have been searching for an explanation for this collective cognitive dissonance and false memory for decades. There’s International Mandela Effect Conference (IMEC) — a group that studies the phenomenon and even held conferences in 2019 and 2020 for people who were confident that the “Berenstain Bears” were actually the “Berenstein Bears”.

Many worlds Interpretation

Everett realised that even though there’s only one wavefunction and one quantum reality — within which many of the particles making up our universe are in two places at once — in short, it seems as if our universe splits into parallel universes.
Many worlds Interpretation tells us that our universe splits each time the quantum outcome occurs. It says that there isn’t a single universe but an infinite number of them. So, there will always be different versions of the same person, with each and every such version subjectively feeling as real as the other and with one-hundred percent surety that the other doesn’t exist. It means there isn’t a single reality but many — in different worlds.

It somewhat works as a tree, there are many branches of a tree, each with a reality of its own. There’s a quantum superposition at work with divergent and non-communicating parallel universes. Even in double slit experiment as long as we don’t measure which slit the light passes through, we’ll always get an interference pattern.

To begin with, there are theories like Eternal Inflation that talk about other universes.

Eternal Inflation theory — The main idea behind eternal inflation points out that when inflation starts, it doesn’t produce only one universe, but many, in fact, an infinite number of universes. In the early universe’s vacuum energy caused bubble-type universes to be created all over, expanding at different rates through their inflation stages. The findings of eternal inflation mean that when inflation starts, it produces not just one universe, but an infinite number of universes.

Does the Mandela effect show that the realities are entangled?

Suppose you’ve another self at a distance of billions of light years away from you. You wouldn’t dare of communicating or understanding your other self but that isn’t the case with physicists. They have something called Quantum Entanglement.

Quantum entanglement is the physical phenomenon that occurs when a group of particles is generated, interacts, or shares spatial proximity in a manner such that the quantum state of each particle of the group cannot be described independently of the state of the others, including when the particles are separated by a large distance — even billions of light-years.

For example, if two electrons are in the state of coherence, they can continue to remain in synchronization even when they’re billions of light-years apart. There still exists an invisible Schrodinger wave connecting both. The change on one electron simultaneously has an effect on another (information is transmitted) — called Quantum Entanglement.

According to Quantum theory, before observing, an electron is neither spinning up nor down and exists in a state of spinning both up and down. It’s only when the observation is made, that the wave function collapses and the particle comes into a definite state. No matter how intelligent we are, no matter what technology we possess, no matter if we know the wavefunction of the entire universe using supercomputers or highly advanced technology — with observation its destiny changes.

So, our universe undergoes change at all times.

Similarly, upon measuring the spin of one electron and the other would automatically come out to be the opposite. By measuring the spin of one we can determine the spin of another — their wave functions are entangled from the beginning onwards — so it doesn’t matter if they’re near or billions of light-years apart.

So if quantum entanglement is at work, maybe we’ve got a limited amount of information on how it works and we might be witnessing the other properties of entanglement.

Are we experiencing the swapping of realities in the Mandela effect? It’s mind-boggling, isn’t it?

Now coming to the Level III multiverse.

Is the information coming from another universe?

Now just go through the Level III multiverse you’ll start to find the similarity between Mandela Effect and Multiverse.

Level III multiverse:

This idea behind multiverses was put forward by scientists like Max Tegmark and Brian Greene. If we look closely it(Mandela effect) somehow matches with the predictions of the Level III multiverse.

These are very interesting multiverses, in a way, that they are not far away as Level I and Level II, but they are right here with you. Maybe the Mandela effect could be due to the jumbling and swapping of these universes.

Max Tegmark divided multiverses into four types. To know about Level 1, 2, and 4 multiverses kindly read the article given below:

All of these parallel universes are important, especially Level III. A Level 3 parallel universe is a consequence of the many worlds interpretation(MWI) from quantum physics. According to Level III multiverse, there’s only one wavefunction, and it evolves over time. So each and every single quantum possibility in quantum wavefunction becomes a real possibility in some reality. The superpositions of different universes, all of them coexist at the same time in the same infinite-dimensional Hilbert space. These separate, coexisting universes interfere with each other.

  • Level 3 parallel universes are different from Level 1 and 2, as they form in the same space and time as our own universe, next to us, and the interesting thing about them is that we don’t have a way to access them. Now do you realise why we were concentrating on the multiverse?
  • It means you and I are every time in contact with Level 3 universes. It gets split with every decision of ours.

Evidence: Decoherence experimentally verified

Physicists’ view

Michio Kaku, a famous physicist believes in multiverses. He thinks we may be continuously tuning in and out of parallel world. He uses the idea of the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Steve Weinberg, who tried to explain the workings of multiverses with the help of comparison — by comparing them to radio stations:

“Think of radio. If you’re inside your living room listening to BBC radio, that radio is tuned to one frequency. But in your living room, there are all frequencies — radio Cuba, radio Moscow, the Top 40 rock stations. All these radio frequencies are vibrating inside your living room, but your radio is only tuned to one frequency,” says Michio Kaku.

He says somewhere in the past the universes had been coherent and were vibrating at the same frequency. With time, everything has undergone change, and the universes decoupled and somewhat vibrate at unique frequencies now. That’s the reason they don’t interfere in the workings of each other.

In quantum physics, there is an infinite number of parallel universes surrounding us at a given time. But the real problem is we don’t know how to enter or swap as we had de-cohered from them. Now we aren’t vibrating in unison with them.

Mandela effect has raised many questions: Is human memory reliable? Are there multiverses?

Thales first developed the idea that the world can be understood, he even said the complex phenomena around us could be reduced to simpler patterns and principles and explained without depending upon mythical or theological explanations. There are two types of errors — conscious errors and subconscious ones. Mandela Effect is certainly not one of the first categories of errors and we can’t confirm with precision if it’s a subconscious one too. The main aim of science is to find and solve both of these errors. If Mandela Effect is flawed then at some point it’ll be proved but if it’s something else like a sign of multiverse then it’s a revolution in terms of the evolution of the universe and the human mind. The human mind and universe are evolving in unison and bring together various aspects of diversified reality which is otherwise hidden………



Victor Bhaura
Science Junction

I’m Victor, a Writer! — Just a simple person trying to share my ideas with you. I love travelling and writing books. Follow me if you enjoy my articles.