Member-only story

How the Rich Stole the Left

by inventing and marketing wokeness

Hermes Solenzol
Science & Meaning


Man and woman with pink hats holding signs.
No more pink hats. My wife and I at the 2017 Science march against Trump.

As American progressives, we are all in shock that Trump won the last election, garnishing not just the Electoral College but also the popular vote. The Republican Party also got control of the House and the Senate.

When a narcissistic felon gets more votes than you, the problem is not with the narcissistic felon. The problem is with you.

But, when you stop to think about it, it was a long time coming. The Democratic Party lost its natural constituency, the workers, a long time ago. The urban elites that form its voting core are not numerous enough to win election.

At the problem is not limited to the USA. All over Europe, and even in South American countries like Argentina, the Left is backsliding. Populists are winning elections by getting votes from the working class.

How could this happen?

In this article, I recapitulate the history of the Left in Western countries, and then analyze how it lost its way as the 20th century turns into the 21st.

The Left has roots in Humanism

We can trace back the birth of the Left to the humanist ideas of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, when the well-being of humans replaced worshipping God as our…



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