Creationism or Evolution: Aftermath of the Bill Nye and Ken Ham Debate


By Montclair Film Festival —, CC BY 2.0,

On February 4, 2014 Bill Nye (wiki here)and Ken Ham (wiki here) held a debate entitled Is Creation A Viable Model of Origins? This debate is justly famous, and the general consensus appears to be that Bill Nye (pictured above) won the debate. The debate wiki is here: Click this link.

By John Foxe — Own work, Public Domain,

Ken Ham pictured above was the creationist who had a project called the Ark Encounter that had stalled due to lack of funding. Whether he won or lost the debate is immaterial in my mind because money started pouring in for Ken Ham. He got enough to finish his Ark Encounter pictured below. Ark Encounter wiki: Click this link.

By Cimerondagert — Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Looking up their net worths, we find that Bill Nye is worth $8 million. That’s great, really. A scientist that is worth $8 million is pretty rare. Even Neil Degrasse Tyson is only worth $5 million. I say “only” with tongue in cheek because $5 million is really a LOT of money. But, it’s only about 63% of Bill Nye’s net worth. So, comparatively speaking, Bill Nye has…



Tony Berard
Science: Saving the Planet and Humanity Itself

I have lately been constructing arguments against God and the supernatural. I have proven that stuff doesn't exist with science equations. I aspire to be great.