
Beauty in the Beast

A Sciku

Science & Soul
Published in
2 min readDec 31, 2020


Photo by USGS on Unsplash

vessel for wondrous,
beauty in the uncomely
nudge to heed the hint

For me, the use of the fruit fly in science is a reminder to look deeper into the beauty that is the natural world. On the surface, fruit flies and their relatives appear to be annoying and insignificant. Despite this, apart from their use in the labs, they are responsible for pollinating plants, decomposing dead organisms, and act as biocontrol agents feeding on pests. We have so much to learn from the smallest of our critters on earth.

Studying medicine, I was constantly amazed by how intricate and interconnected the body is. Similarly so, studying science, I am constantly amazed that every organism has its purpose and plays its role in the greater picture — with so many of these functions being performed unbeknownst to us.

Here’s to the Drosophila melanogaster, the past discoveries of science that we benefit from every day, and to the future discoveries that could come from anywhere! (What’s more exciting than science!!)

In response to R. Rangan Ph.D.’s Prompt Model Organism: Fly Pushing.

Thanks for the tag!



Louis Dennis
Science & Soul

Writing about the world and how I fit into it. Lover of languages and literature