About us: Science & Soul

R. Rangan PhD
Science & Soul
2 min readDec 3, 2020


Photo by Rui Xu on Unsplash


Here at Science & Soul, we approach life with a sense of adventure, curiosity, joy, and wonder. We practice being joyful and with wonder remain curious about our daily adventure. We remind ourselves daily of the connectedness we feel with all who come in our contact; we share many and provide space for unique.

We are at the moment working on our process and submission guidelines. For now, we will continue to occasionally reach out to writers directly and seek their contributions — If this is you- we are grateful for your contributions!

** Please note we are currently not able to accept any stories or new authors as we figure out our mission and direction going forward — Grateful for your patience during this time**

Please note that we are not professional editors and started this collection simply because we love science-related stories. We will do our best to give your articles a proofread but the main responsibility lies with you to do self-editing. We’ll do our best to get back to you within a working week — hopefully much sooner. Also, by submitting to this publication, you are representing that you own the rights to the material you have submitted and have the right to publish it here and at medium. However, at all times, you own your work and you are solely and exclusively responsible for the content of your pieces.

If you are reading this — Thank you! Please feel free to look around at our publication.

In gratitude,

R. Rangan PhD
Science and Soul

Disclaimer: The content in this publication is not in itself a reflection of the owner or editor’s personal views or beliefs. We reserve the right to accept or reject any submissions on the basis of suitability and adherence to the Medium rules. Rejection does not mean your story is not publishable, it simply means that it does not meet the needs and vision of this publication at the time.



R. Rangan PhD
Science & Soul

Mindfulness enthusiast; Collector of stories; Storyteller in training and Observer of life’s small details.