Like A Leaf of Faith

Look around for inspiration when life feels stuck.

Swati Suman
Published in
4 min readApr 14, 2021


Photo by Anastasiya Gepp from Pexels

Flying high with winds passed by
To identify where the abode lies

When a start appears beside
It makes an autumn fall; and
Caricature a certain path to identify.

Through the spectrum of extremities
Are treasured journey lying in mids

No matter how daintily the leaf withers
The saga of its life flowers pristine showers
It rises and shimmers its meandering ways quicker.

To a doldrums of panics
And colorful springs of relish

Staying behind are queues of memories
You just need to walk each step ahead
To ascend like a — leaf of faith.

Leaf unlike others
Traverses paths beaded with uncertain course
Where it meets both life and death close

To make its journey worthwhile
It picks up and cherishes emotions along its mile
From one of its end, it flies
And to the other resides by.

The wonderfulness of delights are created
For unleashing the silent journey ahead
With a smile carried by the leaf

All that leaf pastel is a sigh of relief; for
The challenges seeded ahead was hidden
But — A leaf of faith blossoms hope
Like a ray of sunshine amidst the rain.

To stand upto difficult odds
Is what even the loving nature taught
It just takes a moment to try
To walk and crawl a further mile

Leap ahead, embracing memories of time
For earthly battleground pictures
Life as a competitive human race
To win over the painful moments
Requires spirits to count on like a leaf of faith.

Where to start from? How to end? I slightly have any idea to what makes the best of life’s introduction. Sometimes, that’s how fleeting uncertain moments make us feel in life. You, me, and each of us who share the same homely landscape of nature — the earth — are often struck at crossroads amidst the life tell-tales.

Grand plannings, we make. Right from the moment we take birth with radiant, innocent smiles spread across our faces; we start to observe things that gain our attention. And that adds on and certainly predicts what we might pick up in the pursuit of life.

Planning comes to us in a wide range of types, from careers to relationships to personal achievements, and stems from a vast array of sources, from self to parents to friends to colleagues to partners. Our ideations are driven by self and, at times, programmed by external environments.

The influence of external sources on human behaviors remains backed up with scientific research. Studies showed thoughts of people are susceptible to external influence even against their conscious will.

Regardless of whether we people like it or not, all of us form a chain of thoughts to share people’s things. And imbibe a sense of connection swirling around each other. Amidst connections that support us in our growth, thorny paths seem to be a perennial occurrence in our lives.

At such dull moments, dysfunctional beliefs function in their happiest hours. It-dumps human groups in a landfill poisoned with self-doubts, criticisms, and underdeveloped self-confidence. During these wee hours, we question about every minute little things, be that worthy or unworthy. To surprise, instances as such corrupt the individual’s life-view. We may storm ourselves up with a paralyzed ability to articulate our ideas related to the world, life as a whole.

Before pouring its shades on our exterior personalities, the unpleasant times reflect its grim behaviors in our inner existential coils. The commitments that we build succumbs to growth and make our way forward to peddle back. Such painful moments cut short every beat from our hearts, peacefulness from the mind, which undesirably is an unwelcoming side of bad times.

“Anything, anything would be better than this agony of mind,” said French Existential philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre, “This creeping pain that gnaws and fumbles and caresses one and never hurts quite enough.”

To not be associated with off-ramps moments isn’t life’s philosophy. With its on-ramp smoother terrains, life walks along broken curvilinear paths. These routes throw up questions about whether your life is valuable, worthwhile, or is it runways experiencing a slowdown.

Most of us, including me, experience such frictions in our ascertained life’s slope. So:

  • What to do when the road of life is going downhill?
  • Where to confide in when none listens to our whispering silence?
  • Who to count on for trustworthiness?

Poetically speaking, look around you. Turn your eyes towards nature. If you find human relations unable to rescue your spirits, converse with nature.

Talk to every bit of the environment. Be that the twinkling stars, moonlit sky, calm oceanic waves, radiant sun, or the pristine leaf of nature.

Observe them. Feel through nature’s energies. Get connected. Graduating times will leave you reflecting on nature’s life cycle that seems associated with the human evolutionary cycle. For instance, the rhythm of leaves carves its song of life through varied seasons: autumn and spring. Likewise, our lives synchronize with the emotional cycle like that of the leaves of nature.

Even though windstorms uproots the spirits of leaves, yet these elements of nature leans towards optimism. They fly across borders crossing distant seas with heroic spirits. In similar hailing vibes, let not the unappealing moments curtail your vision for growth. Let not absence of anything make you feel low.

Instead, try to stand firm against life’s weak gravitational pulls. Lean towards great inner modules of strength. Widen your spirits, spread your feathers and fly high, holding — on to like a leaf of faith, each time.



Swati Suman
Science & Soul

In the rhythm of words, I try to unfold life. Thoughtful expressions in Philosophy, Science, Humanities. Compassion above All. Email: swatis.writes@gmail.com