
Navigating in life

Day 14 Prompt: Neuroscience inspired Sciku

R. Rangan PhD
Published in
2 min readJan 8, 2021


Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

brain navigates places
generates a common code
you in tune with me

As COVID cases rise, safe physical distancing is strongly advised, and it has never been more important. Turns our understanding of how we navigate physical space alone or with others is also a complex neuroscience problem.

We rely on it heavily to get out and about — whether choosing the shortest airport security line, searching for a space in a crowded parking lot or simply avoiding bumping into others as you walk down the street.

A Recent UCLA study reveals interesting new insights into how your brain navigates places and monitors someone else in the same location.

In short, the research suggests that our brains generate a common code to mark where other people are in relation to ourselves — essentially meaning that our brains may be more “in-tune” with others than previously understood — mystics have been saying that all along!

Let us hope we turn a corner on the COVID-19 crisis and get back to meetings connecting and navigating in-person soon- Stay Safe, everyone; we are in this together!

*This is Day 14 of the #sciku challenge — science-inspired haiku-like poetry( so #sciku?) prompts to get you inspired — Our dear readers — why not spend some time each day creating and having a little fun — if you do — publish it anywhere on medium, just tag it with — #30DaysOfScikuChallenge.

**If Haikus/SciKus are not your thing, feel free to exercise your artistic creativity and write another form of a science-inspired story — I can’t wait to read what you come up with.

Tagging Benny Lim Ellane W Agnes Laurens and anyone else who feels inspired to follow along with this fun #30DaysOfScikuChallenge and today’s prompt: Neuroscience

For More on the #30DaysOfScikuChallenge:

Also, check out Matthew Prince :



R. Rangan PhD
Science & Soul

Mindfulness enthusiast; Collector of stories; Storyteller in training and Observer of life’s small details.