The Earth And We

In the glory of the land, humankind withstands.

Swati Suman
Published in
5 min readApr 22, 2021


It’s about the place we live
The hour we dedicate
To the ambiance, we breathe
Culminating a song with the trees
To the land of our “Survival.”
The gratitude of note to our Mother Earth
On this dearly — Earth Day!

There’s a sense of belonging to Earth
To a heart thriving, a Life thumping on earthly beats
To the species quibbling to survive
To the birds flying sky high
The rivers enchanting the beauty of divine
The embrace hugging the humankind
Showered unconditionally by Earthly divine
Extending gratitude of peace
On this dearly — Earth Day!

The warmth showered by heavenly
The grace beautifying the nature
The journey adored by the Earth
To the very soil, clouds, air, and weather.

A Lively Earth — blessing life of survival
Right from the air we breathe
Till we complete the life cycle
A journey treasured to completion
Showering gratitude of affection
On this dearly — Earth Day!

To the footsteps, we lead
To the footprints left behind
The Earth crowns a tale of feathers
It knows not the path to destruction
Only thrives on the art of giving abundance.

To convey deep-rooted meaning
Glorifying Life with teachings
To instill faith — affection — to beliefs in forgiving
And yet the quench of the Earth never dies
To leave behind ingenious preaching
Extending gratitude of humbleness
On this dearly — Earth Day!

Not to be taken for granted
Our very Earth on Earth hour
It deserves applauds for the memories it lays
To the life it enriches
To the air, it purifies
To the rivers it mirrors
To the mountains, it mystifies
To the flowers, it blooms
To the histories, it survives
A never-ending tale of the earthly cycle
Envisioning gratitude of hope
On this dearly — Earth Day!

To the time it counters a ray of grim
It resurges with a lantern of revival
With every count of fleeting time
Earth strikes not a zest in quitting
Penchants theory of success and trials.

To the life given to us by our Earth
Let’s equally reflect on life
To nature with compassion
To its myriads of creations
To the never-ending story of the earthly divine.

A Gratitude to Bow
To the land of Paradise —
Giving heavenly time to Life’s creative array
Standing in unison to accolade earthly glory
To our Mother Earth
To the Life evolved beyond any theory!

Fortunate, are we, the human species. We at the wholesome level thrive on nature’s support to live through life. The most vital component and element supporting our biological journey is the air that supports our living system. This atmospheric air we breathe is a gift showered upon by nature on humankind.

Although there’s an exchange of gases, carbon dioxide that we release, and the oxygen that we receive to maintain nature’s equilibrium, we must also remember nature is the sole-bearer of life. It helps in our existence.

For the human groups and other living species confined on planetary earth, the water holds buoyancy in our life. The earth has much water retained. It again stands as the free and gracious component of Mother Nature. Do we exactly know how much water our planetary Earth comprises?

In scientific terms, water comprises about 71 percent of the earth’s surface, and 96.5 percent of Earth’s water is contained within the oceans.

Asides from that, water also exists in the atmosphere as water vapor, in the rivers, lakes, glaciers, polar ice-caps, and even up to 60 percent of a human adult body is comprised of water. It makes humankind fortunate because much of earths water component is nature-given. All of us can afford to survive without social applications or digital platforms but to live in the absence of food, air, and water is not only unachievable but also a thought beyond imagination.

With that, humankind can never exist peacefully in ecological disturbances.

Sadly, the un-welcoming, unfortunate plight of the modern decade is its role play in the sustainable imbalances. By sustainable imbalance, I mean the disruptions in the environment that ultimately breaks the human capacity to thrive in a sustainable sphere.

  • Who is responsible for such environment related imbalances?
  • Mother Earth? or Nature? or
  • Are we the devil’s advocate?

The answer is simple.

The humankinds behavioral tendency to disregard the noble virtues of life, especially those that come free of cost have heavily cost the humankind.

Look around You. Be it the lush green forests, the clear skies, an ecological habitat, from the fragrance of lovely flowers to tall pine trees, to grapes in the vineyards, including the living creatures that survive along. Isn’t that everything from nature is nourishing, yet today the same nature tears apart in melancholic griefs.

We, mortals, have turned so greedy that we ended up crushing nature under our cruel feet.

We think ourselves superior. Even way mightier than the one who actually is the source behind humankind’s origin. And also their evolution. But, we keep destroying nature for personal gains.

The rising need for urbanization has resulted in clearing of large swathes of land. The continuous rise in deforestation activities like the illicit cutting of trees has negatively impacted human-nature’s equilibrium.

To break down into a clearer overview, the human urge driven by monetary or fiscal needs, or in terms of seeking profitability or economic gains or developmental needs, has cost lives, both us including the ecosystem we live. It is why among the rising pattern of human wants, the basic needs are getting impacted and mostly in uneasy times of today remain unmet.

The situation has worsened where human greeds and luxurious demands in their lifestyle have started showing unpleasantry outcomes. The outbreak in the number of diseases, sea-level rise, forest fires, wildlife extinction, land desertification, catastrophic weather events, pollution of natural resources, climate change, global warming altogether messes up with the evolutionary cycle of ever-growing planetary Earth.

Although, environmental catastrophe is primarily nature-born, however, the man-made activities, their continuous drive towards satisfaction of wants by placating the environment have worsened the plight of our ecosytem.

The Earth calls us to show mercy and gratitude. If we continue to harbor traits that, instead of showering peace, bring disharmony, then no sooner we might end up witnessing doomsday.

The recent pandemic episode is just the trailer. Let this be great learning in the continuously rotating earth hour. It is in the glory, harmony of nature’s land, humankind and their future generations can firmly withstand.



Swati Suman
Science & Soul

In the rhythm of words, I try to unfold life. Thoughtful expressions in Philosophy, Science, Humanities. Compassion above All. Email: