
The S&S Sciku collection

Science-Inspired Poetry

R. Rangan PhD
Published in
5 min readDec 31, 2020


Photo by Anton Repponen on Unsplash

On December 26, 2020 — Here at Science & Soul, we invited you to join us for the next 30 days to have a little fun science-inspired haiku (so #sciku?) challenge of sorts.

What’s a #sciku, you ask — According to The Sciku Project, it attempts to describe scientific discoveries in haiku-inspired form. Since many of us are new to haiku and/or poetry, think of this as a series of experiments with words focusing on brevity, the essence of scientific findings, and having some fun.

Haiku is a type of short form poetry originally from Japan consisting of 17 syllables in three phrases in a 5, 7, 5 pattern, and a seasonal reference. Essentially, a Haiku expresses much and suggests more in the fewest possible word and a Sciku is a portmanteau word for scientific haiku ( source : Wikipedia and The Sciku Project)

It has been an enjoyable experience so far, and this is a partial collection of the contributions so you can easily find them in one post — do give them a look, read or clap, or better still — consider playing along and if you do write science-inspired poetry ( #sciku ) piece — publish it anywhere you like on medium —Just add a link to this post and use the hashtag #30DaysOfScikuChallenge — I look forward to reading it.

Happy Sciku-ing and a very Happy New Year!

Here are the contributions so far ( this will be updated daily — so check back!)

Science: Day 1 Prompt: Scientific method inspired Sciku
Scikus Collection: A few Science- inspired Scikus by ScienceDuuude
The Female Academic: A science haiku by Dr. Marina Harris
Parsimony: a #sciku on the scientific method by Lucy The Eggcademic (she/her)

Sequence of Life: Day 2 prompt: Nucleic Acids inspired Sciku
Watson, Crick, Franklin, Zen: A Genomical Sciku by John Levin
Bones: A haiku by Dr. Jackie Greenwood
A Handful of Science Haikus: Prompt: Nucleic Acids by Cody James Howell PhD (Raiden)

Elements: Day 3 Prompt: Periodic Table inspired Sciku
Life & Earth: Deep Friends: A Periodic Table Sciku by John Levin
Element Scikus: A couple of elemental science-inspired haikus by ScienceDuuude

The Beauty in Numbers: Day 4 Prompt: Mathematics inspired Haiku
Night Time Kisses: A Mathematical Sciku by John Levin
Everything in Proportion: Day 4 Prompt: Mathematics inspired Haiku by Yohanan Gregorius
Zeroth* prompt: Mathematics by Dr. Fatima Imam
Math Scikus: A real number of science-haikus by ScienceDuuude

Asymmetry: Day 5 Prompt: Cell Biology Inspired Sciku
Fertilization: Biology inspired haiku by Dr. Jackie Greenwood
The Guy Can’t Help It: A Cell Biology Sciku by John Levin
Cell-kus: A few cell-ebratory haikus and their deconvolution by ScienceDuuude
Let’s Go on A Möbius Trip: Prompt: Cell Biology-inspired Haiku by Adelia Ritchie, PhD

Fly Pushing: Day 6 Prompt: Model organism Inspired Sciku
Beauty in the Beast: A Sciku by Louis Dennis
Mother Nature’s Models: Prompt: Model Organisms inspired haiku by Yohanan Gregorius
Sci-Fly Haiku: What are a few Hox genes between you and a fly… by ScienceDuuude

The Big Bang: Day 7 Prompt: Astronomy Inspired Sciku
Perhaps We Are Not Alone: An astronomical exobiological exoplanetary Sciku by John Levin
800 Million Years is a Lot of Fudge: Day 7 Prompt: Astronomy inspired Haiku by Yohanan Gregorius
Yes, I still Believe in UFOs: Day 7 Prompt: Astronomy-Inspired Sciku by Adelia Ritchie, PhD
A Nebular Haiku: The elements that compose our bodies and frame our world were conjured in the hearts of stars… by ScienceDuuude

Boundaries or Bridges: Day 8 Prompt: Evolutionary Biology-inspired Sciku
C. difficile: A haiku response by antoinette nevitt
Fishing for a Good Fit: An Evolutionary Biology Heisenberg Sciku by John Levin

The Brow(s) Surely Have It: Day 9 Prompt: Evolutionary and Affective science-inspired Sciku
Naturally Selected Haikus: Scikus dedicated to the proposition that all living things vary… by ScienceDuuude
Vanity, the Counter-Evolutionary Character Defect by Yohanan Gregorius

Mask(ed) Emotions: Day 10 Prompt: Affective Science Inspired Sciku
Haikus, In the Eyes of the Beholder : Scikus clinically dissecting emotions…by ScienceDuuude

I See What You Do, and I like it too!: Day 11 Prompt: Cognitive Science Inspired Sciku

About loneliness: Day 12 Prompt: Psychology Inspired Sciku
Just One Haiku On loneliness…by ScienceDuuude

Want sleep — go with your gut! Day 13 Prompt: Sleep research Inspired Sciku
Hydra Haiku by ScienceDuuude

Navigating in life: Day 14 Prompt: Neuroscience inspired Sciku
Homing Haikus — Finding our way in the world…by ScienceDuuude

Of Sleep and Traffic Jams: Day 15 Prompt: Circadian Science Inspired Sciku
Tick Tock by Lucy The Eggcademic (she/her)

The Aha! Moment: Day 16 Prompt: Evolutionary Neuroscience Inspired Sciku
The Fascinating Science Behind Why Creativity Is Associated With Fire
A hot-mind Sciku by Melissa Gouty

Seeking — Human Kindness: Day 17 Prompt: A Prosocial Research Inspired Sciku

Empathy n kind: Day 18 Prompt: A Prosocial Research Inspired Sciku
Empathy Haiku: Feeling our way through the world of others…by ScienceDuuude

Social Distancing: Day 19 Prompt: A Brain Research Inspired Sciku

On Altruism: Day 20 Prompt: A Neuroscience Research Inspired Sciku

Rx: Compassion Training: Day 21 Prompt: A Meditation Research Inspired Sciku

Do I hear that, right? Day 22 Prompt: A Neuroscience Research Inspired Sciku

Statistically Speaking Day 23 Prompt: Statistical research inspired Sciku
Statistically Significant Haikus — Day 23 prompt: Quantitatively modeling our way through the world’s variations…by ScienceDuuude
Not What We Know, But How: A poem about scientific methods by Lucy The Eggcademic (she/her)

Blue Monday? Day 24 Prompt: Psychological Science Inspired Sciku

Dangerous Warming Day 25 Prompt: Climate Science inspired Sciku
Of Seaweed, Sardines, and Science: A Sciku acknowledging an unexpected detective by Melissa Gouty

Of Fishes, Farms, and More Day 26 Prompt: Biodiversity Research inspired Sciku
Biologically Diverse Haikus: So many life forms, struggling on to procreate, sunlight on a pond… By ScienceDuuude

Plastics, EDCs, and You Day 27 Prompt: Public Health Research inspired Sciku

Looking Good — New Dinosaur! Day 28 Prompt: A Paleontology Inspired Sciku
Dinosaur Haikus: Day 28 response: Dinosaurs once thrived. Cosmic collision destroys. Dinosaurs still thrive… ScienceDuuude

How to be Happier in 2021 Day 29 Prompt: Motivation Research Sciku

Thank You with Gratitude Day 30 Prompt: A Prosocial Science Inspired Sciku
Gratitude Haikus: Day 30 response: Thank you, Doctor R., For challenging us to think. Of Science and Soul…

What’s Next:



R. Rangan PhD
Science & Soul

Mindfulness enthusiast; Collector of stories; Storyteller in training and Observer of life’s small details.