Yes, I Still Believe in UFOs

Day 7 Prompt: Astronomy-Inspired Sciku

Science & Soul
Published in
3 min readJan 1, 2021


Photo by Kristopher Roller on Unsplash

Just a meteor?
I want to believe I saw
a true UFO

As a youngster, I devoured science fiction –– Isaac Azimov, Robert Heinlein, Ursula K. Le Guin, Arthur C. Clarke, to name a few. I often spent my babysitting money on flashlight batteries so I could continue my under-the-covers reading into the wee hours, undetected by my helicoptering Mom-spy.

I read about mysterious ancient civilizations (thanks, Erich von Daniken), which, to my science-illiterate 13-year-old mind, had to have been built by superior beings from other worlds, being the only ones advanced enough to erect Easter Island statues and Stonehenge monoliths, or decorate the Nazca Plains with markings only visible from far above. Don’t even get me started on Machu Picchu or Area 51.

Because of my Southern Baptist upbringing –– with all its spirits, holy ghosts, god and son thereof, accompanied by thunderous warnings of hellfire, damnation, and the devil’s-gonna-getcha –– the grounds for belief in things I couldn’t verify were well-fertilized by the age of twelve.

Further, in Sunday School, we were taught that humans were superior to all other lifeforms and…



Adelia Ritchie, PhD
Science & Soul

Author of "The Accidental Expat: A Costa Rican Adventure", science lover, contributing editor at SalishMagazine.org, expat, seeking the interesting and unusual