Tickle your child’s curiosity through science games and concepts

The Spark Club
STEM Stories
Published in
3 min readJul 31, 2020
Sunshine - Science Board Game (by The Spark Club)
Sunshine — Science Board Game (by The Spark Club)

“Kids are watching ants while adults are stepping on them.”

Nowadays getting your children away from screens is the biggest challenge we are facing. Board games come as a savior for entertainment but for learning we are hardly left with any other options. A new category of games have been gaining popularity which involve entertainment with a twist of learning. These games can help in the growth of your child. Some of the scientifically proven benefits of these science board games are as follows,

  • It challenges your child’s brain
  • It keeps your child active
  • It improves the academic performance of your child
  • It develops social skills into your child
  • It improves child’s focus
  • It fosters creativity within your child
  • It keeps you and your child both happy

Now let’s talk about how you can tickle your child’s curiosity through science games and concepts. Curiosity is the very basic of education. Your children need opportunities to practice feeling “Wonder” to develop curious minds. When your child is curious they find a lot of interesting things to do. Nurturing that curiosity is one of the most important ways you can help them become lifelong learners. You have to pretend that their tickle tank is empty and you have to fill it to help them learn and grow. Encourage natural interests. Children learn so much more through activities that capture their attention and imagination. Child curiosity is stimulated when you ask them open-ended questions. These kinds of questions encourage your child to develop his thoughts and ideas, show love and interest.

Teaching them science outside of the classroom with the fun games for kids that explore everything from anatomy to physics. They’ll improve your child’s observational skills while demonstrating key scientific principles. Having games that are not just games but the games that teach. Kids learn multiple skills while playing science games and learn different concepts in a very innovative way rather than mugging things up. They learn problem-solving skills as while playing any game they need to plan, implement, take decisions, etc. which enhances the development of their brain.

Germs & Leaps — Hand Hygiene Board Game (by The Spark Club)
Germs & Leaps — Hand Hygiene Board Game (by The Spark Club)

Through science games, they will come across multiple questions in their mind and if not, to tickle that curiosity you should create those questions and let them know about those and you will see that with time they them-self will start finding those questions.

ASK QUESTIONS… tell them that finding answers to those questions is not difficult. Questions like do you know how this was done how this was made?… so that they think about this and you should ask the question again in case they forgot.

Ask what they learned from that? Through this, they will recall what they did in the game.

Interesting games not only improve their fundamental concepts but also help them build strategies.

The Spark Club has 2 such brilliant science board games, Germs & Leaps for age group 4 and above and Sunshine for age group 7 and above.



The Spark Club
STEM Stories

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