Creating a brand (STE{A}M): Finding a mascot

Billeh Scego
Published in
4 min readJul 2, 2023

Having a face, or rather a mascot, may be a strong tool in the realm of branding and marketing for communicating a brand’s ideals and values. A well-designed mascot draws the audience in, piques their interest, and forges a bond with them. It serves as a visual representation that captures the spirit of the brand and leaves customers with a strong impression. I’ve come to understand the value of including a mascot in my own brand, STE{A}M which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math which is inspired by the whimsical spirit of the Duolingo mascot and the astounding intellect of crows.

Looking at the success of Duolingo, an app that has revolutionized language learning, one cannot ignore the impact of its adorable, yet mischievous owl mascot. The friendly owl became synonymous with the brand and is easily recognizable, creating a sense of familiarity and trust among its users. The mascot’s playful nature not only makes learning fun but also encourages users to stay engaged and motivated throughout their language-learning journey.

“Inventorius” by Stable Diffusion

I discovered the ideal candidate for my brand’s mascot by drawing inspiration from crows’ extraordinary intellect. Crows are renowned for their capacity for problem-solving, flexibility, and superior cognitive talents. In many cultures, they have traditionally been linked to knowledge and intelligence. Additionally, the fact that crows pass through my campus every year during their migration offers a rare chance to view them up close and admire their intriguing behaviors.

Crows: Smarter Than You Think with UW Professor John Marzluff

For the mascot representing the STE{A}M brand, inspired by the playful nature of the Duolingo mascot and the intelligence of crows, a great name could be “Inventorius.” This name combines the concepts of creativity, innovation, and intelligence. “Inventorius” represents the brand’s focus on the STE{A}M fields, where ideas are nurtured, knowledge is expanded, and breakthroughs are made. It captures the spirit of exploration, problem-solving, and the drive to create something new. This name not only reflects the brand’s ideals but also adds a touch of intrigue and imagination, making it memorable and appealing to the target audience.

At the University of Washington Bothell, a magnificent natural spectacle occurs every year as a group of sophisticated and alluring crows have formed a special link with the student body and left a lasting impression on the campus landscape. Residents at the University of Washington Bothell are genuinely fascinated by them and adore them because of their intelligence, resiliency, and extraordinary habits.

“Inventorius 2” by Stable Diffusion

Crows, members of the corvid family, have long been recognized for their exceptional intelligence. At the University of Washington Bothell, their wit and adaptability are on full display. These birds demonstrate problem-solving skills and have been observed using tools to obtain food, displaying their ingenuity and resourcefulness. Their ability to adapt to changing environments and situations is a testament to their remarkable cognitive abilities.

It is impossible not to be impressed by how the crows have assimilated into the University of Washington Bothell campus. They have made the university’s grounds their permanent residence, finding safety and sustenance in the area’s varied topography. They now form an essential part of the campus landscape, a well-known presence for both students and teachers and staff, perching on tree branches and strutting across open spaces.

In the world of branding, a well-designed mascot can elevate a brand’s presence and leave a lasting impact on its audience. Inspired by the success of the playful Duolingo mascot and the intelligence of crows, I have recognized the importance of having a mascot for my own brand, STE{A}M. The crow’s association with intelligence, my personal connection with them, and their representation of the fusion of diverse disciplines make them a perfect fit for STE{A}M. By embracing the power of a mascot, I aim to convey the brand’s values, inspire curiosity, and foster a sense of connection among the audience, propelling STE{A}M to new heights.

“Inventorius 3” by Stable Diffusion

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