Why is Scientific Writing Important?

5 Purposes of Scientific Writing

Jesse Harris
Science Writing and Marketing


Photo by Julia Koblitz on Unsplash. Modified by author.

Introduction to Scientific Writing

What do you think of when you read the word “scientist”? Probably someone working in a lab, wearing a white coat, staring into a microscope, or swirling a mysterious liquid in a flask. You may not come up with this precise cliché, but you almost certainly think of someone running an experiment. You probably don’t think about scientific writing.

While scientists spend plenty of time in the laboratory, many spend more time writing. Scientific writing is the glue that holds together scientific research. It is the difference between aimless tinkering and true science.

This article explains why scientific writing is important and 5 purposes of the scientific writing process. Let’s start with the basics: what is scientific writing?

Definition of Scientific Writing

Scientific writing is a form of writing that captures and shares scientific knowledge. Scientific writing is…

  • about scientific research
  • written by professional scientists
  • published in academic journals
  • peer-reviewed
  • written for other scientists



Jesse Harris
Science Writing and Marketing

Scientist / Writer / Environmentalist ~ I would love to work with you. Learn more about me: https://jesse-harris.ca/