Science Blockchain announces SCI2 to be listed for trading on Openfinance

Science Inc.
Science Inc.


We are pleased to announce SCI2 will soon be listed for trading on Openfinance.

Only upgraded SCI2 tokens are eligible to be traded on the Openfinance platform. In order to participate in Openfinance trading activity, please ensure you have completed the upgrade process through Securitize and received your SCI2 tokens. If you have not already done so, you will need to complete the upgrade process via the Science Blockchain Investor Dashboard, which includes registering a wallet that you control. The next SCI token upgrade will be in Q2 2021.

Important: DO NOT USE your Ethereum address from an exchange, such as Coinbase, as they are not prepared to receive tokens, and if sent to the exchange wallet, your SCI2 Tokens may be allocated to the exchange and not to you. Use an Ethereum wallet you directly control. We will not be able to restore tokens to you that you have sent to an exchange wallet or other address you do not control.

There are many ways in which you can get an Ethereum Wallet. For example, and not by way of recommendation, the sites and allow you to create web-based wallets to keep your tokens. Also, there are hardware-based wallets (like the Ledger Nano that allow you to keep your tokens safe.

Once upgraded, and in preparation for live trading of your SCI2 tokens, please visit Openfinance to register. Please be aware that registration on the OFN platform may take a few days. If you are interested in utilizing the Openfinance services, we suggest you begin the registration process at your earliest convenience.

If you have any questions about the Openfinance onboarding process, please contact them directly at

If you have any questions about your SCI2 tokens in general, please contact us at If you have questions about the Securitize platform, please contact Securitize at

Thank you.



Science Inc.
Science Inc.

We invest in and build the next generation of companies shaping the future.