9 search hacks to find anything and everything you need on Google

Greg James
Published in
3 min readOct 12, 2018

Google is a powerful tool, but it’s even more powerful when you actually know how to use it. Here are nine search hacks to get you searching like a pro in no time.

1. Exclude keywords from search

You can exclude search results that contain certain words by using a “-” followed by the word you want to exclude.

This is useful for when you want to watch TV shows or new movies but you are broke af.

2. Search for an exact set of words

Use quotation marks to search for exact words or phrases.

How is Elmo only 3.5 year old after 25 years of filming!?

3. Search with unknown words

Use the ‘*’ in a search query to replace any words you are not sure of.

Pro-tip: This is extremely useful when you hear a song an only remember a part of it.

There is no possible way someone hasn't heard this song before.

4. Search Synonyms

You can search for synonyms to a certain word by using a “~” followed by the word that you are interested in.

So you can find the perfect Christmas gifts, presents, knick knacks, trinkets, and tchotchkes.

5. Search Ranges

You can search for ranges on google using “..” preceded by the lower bound and proceeded by the upper bound of the range.

Pro-tip: You can use this to search for pricing, dates and measurements.

Chicago in the 1900’s man. So much has changed it’s crazy. There’s got to be at least 10 more buildings.

6. Search specific websites

You can search for items that are from a specific website by using “site:” followed by the website that you are interested in.

Searching for articles about fake news on Fox is like searching for a needle in a needle stack.

7. Search related websites to a specific site

You can find all the websites that are similar to a certain site by using “related:” followed by the website that you want to find similar results to.

Twitter isn’t cutting it. I’m looking for new and creative ways to waste my time.

8. Search By File Type

You can search for specific types of files by using “filetype:” followed by the extension of the file you are looking for.

Pro-tip: This can be especially useful for students who are looking for PDF’s of their text books

The hardcover for this book was like $280 in my school’s bookstore. I think not.

9. Search By Title

You can search for results with portraying to specific title by using “intitle:” followed by the term you want in the title of the result.

I’m 99% sure the girl in the lower left corner is D.J Tanner from full house.


Incorporating these search hacks into your everyday life will let you find even the most elusive of results. Don’t just take my for for it, go try it out for yourself!

Thank you for reading, please feel free to 👏 and share to help others find it.

See you soon. 😃



Greg James

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