How to participate in the Scienceroot Initial Token Offering

Luca Tisu
Published in
4 min readJul 12, 2018

- Quick guide -

Congratulations and a warm thank you for your decision to take part in the first round of Scienceroot’s Initial Token Offering (ITO). We are thrilled to have sparked your interest, and would now like to provide a quick, and clear overview, on how you may easily acquire Science Tokens (ST).

ST are issued through Waves, one of the most secure and easy to use platforms for storing, trading, managing, and issuing digital assets. In the following sections we will therefore provide you with specific steps on how to create a Waves wallet, and how to use it in order to purchase ST. Should you already have a Waves wallet, please skip Step 1.

Step 1. — Create your own Waves wallet

Please visit Here you can either download the platform, or use the online version of the product.

After installing the app, or selecting the online version, you will receive specific instructions on how to set up your wallet. Please read the provided instructions carefully, and follow them.

Should you encounter any issues with the creation of your wallet, please refer to the support sheet for the creation of a Waves wallet provided below:

Once your Waves wallet created, you will be able it access it, and start your transactions.

NOTE! A conversion of your digital assets to Waves is NOT NECESSARY to purchase ST.

Step 2. — Sign up for the Scienceroot ITO

Please visit to access the online form for the Scienceroot ITO registration. Please read the instructions carefully, and fill in the required fields.

Please select the appropriate payment method from the drop-down menu, and provide your Waves Public address, where the purchased ST will be sent.

In order to gain access to your Waves Public Address, just click on the avatar in the top left corner of the screen, while on the Waves platform.

Copy the address which pops up into the required field of the Scienceroot ITO form. Make sure there are no mistakes in the process, or you risk losing the purchased ST.

Once all required fields have been completed, and the Terms & Conditions checked, press the blue SUBMIT button at the end of the Scienceroot ITO form.

Step 3. — Acquisition of your Science Tokens

After the form has been submitted, a new pop up will appear, specifying where the payment for the ST must be made.

A.) If you have selected a crypto-currency as a payment method, you will receive a wallet address after submitting the ITO form. Deliver the amount of money you have specified in the form to the received wallet address to finish the transaction.

Please note that the payment must be made WITHIN 2 DAYS after the ITO form has been submitted.

For your own security, and to ensure a smooth transaction, please verify the initial and last characters of the received wallet address for payment. These must coincide with the wallet addresses provided above.

B.) If you have selected fiat currency as a payment method, you will receive a bank account after submitting the ITO form. Deliver the amount of money you have specified in the form to the received bank account to finish the transaction.

Please note that the payment must be made WITHIN 5 BUSINESS DAYS after the ITO form has been submitted.

For your own security, and to ensure a smooth transaction, please verify the initial and last characters of the received bank account for payment. These must coincide with the bank accounts provided above.

Once the payment made within the specified time span, and it’s confirmation, we will immediately deliver the amount of tokens covered by your purchase (1 ST = 0.04 €) to your Waves wallet.

Thank you for choosing Scienceroot, and congratulations for your help to create an ecosystem which is sure to boost the advancements made in science! For more details visit:

