Scienceroot Monthly Newsletter

Luca Tisu
Published in
4 min readJul 13, 2018

Blockchain technology is without a doubt already revolutionizing our lives. Scienceroot aims to expand the usage of this breakthrough technology amidst the scientific community. Through the creation of an ecosystem which aims to cover all needs of scientists worldwide, Scienceroot is sure to help expedite the whole scientific discovery process.

Even before its Initial Token Offering, Scienceroot already has a functional MVP, and is now looking for funds to further develop its innovative product. Scienceroot differentiates itself from other blockchain based companies not only through its scope, but also through its unconventional method of raising capital. Instead of asking for all the money during an ICO, Scienceroot is looking to build trust with all investors, and gradually ask for funds as the project develops. Therefore, Scienceroot introduces the concept of Token Generation Event (TGE), where the money is raised based on delivered results, and previous performance. Click here for more details.

Yet what about other aspects regarding Scienceroot? Read this month’s newsletter and find out about our participation at various events, the development of our product, and even what our co-founders have been up to lately.

1. Top 5 finalist at CONTENTshift Frankfurt 2018

Scienceroot is proud to announce that it has reached the final stage of this year’s CONTENTshift competition, held in Frankfurt. CONTENTshift is a program of the German Stock Market Group, which is aiming to select the best start ups of the year, and coach them in their transformation to a powerful, and healthy business.

Our co-founders, Vlad and Alex, have successfully pitched the start up in front of the jury during the initial phase of the competition. Now, Scienceroot is among the 5 finalists of the program, and has been assigned a mentor, which is sure to boost the development of the project. We are thrilled by this progress, and are eager to present our fully functional product by the end of the year, when the finals will take place.

2. MVP and registration

As presented in our road map, the Alpha prototype of the Social Network has been launched mid-April. This version of the platform already allows users to create immutable digital accounts, based on unique blockchain profiles. Furthermore, the platform already grants users access to over 17 million open access articles, from a wide range of domains. Be it that you’re a chemist, social worker, or rocket engineer, you can rely on Scienceroots platform to gain instant, and free of charge access to information needed for verifying or advancing your work. Even though only a prototype of the platform has been launched, we have received tens of registration requests daily, showing that our platform truly satisfies the needs of today’s academic community. You may join the platform here.

3. Increasing visibility

We are well aware that even the best project is unable to flourish, without its product attracting the attention of both investors, and customers. This is the reason why our team organized a series of events directed at increasing the visibility of our platform.

This month, we participated at the Chemistry Symposium in Timisoara, where we informed scholars and academics from various universities about Scienceroot. Michael, our speaker, was swarmed at the end of his presentation, with researchers congratulating the project, and wanting to know how and when they will be able to use the platform. In the near future we are planning to present our project at other similar events, to gain even more momentum.

In addition, we had a full house at our event last month, where we presented the benefits of blockchain usage to both investors and layman. Both Michael and Frederik talked about the perks of blockchain, why this technology is sure to thrive, and how one might be able to recognize a trustworthy start up in this domain. Participants were enthusiastic about the prospect of Scienceroot.

For more information regarding both previous and future events held by the Scienceroot team, click here.

4. Co-founder enrolling as a PhD student

Finally, we are extremely happy to announce that our co-founder Alex has just obtained his master’s degree in physics at the University of Vienna. His thesis The predicted influence of temperature on knock-on damage in graphene has sparked the interest of his teachers, which have offered him the opportunity to enroll as a PhD student. Alex will therefore continue his academic career with the Physics of Nanostructured Materials Group, under the guidance of one of the few people on earth who has actually managed to manipulate individual atoms. We warmly congratulate Alex, and wish him success in this future, and very ambitious, endeavor. Cheers, mate!

Thank you for your interest in our project! To keep in touch, please visit:

