The new blockchain startup that plans to revolutionize the science industry

Published in
4 min readJul 9, 2018

Scienceroot is an innovative science startup, which is developing an ecosystem directed at satisfying the needs of all scientists. Researchers and scholars worldwide will soon have the possibility to collaborate, secure funding for their work, and in the end, publish their results through a more efficient, intuitive, and transparent platform, while also obtaining benefits and rewards for their work and involvement within the Scienceroot community.

The current science ecosystem is hurting.

Access to evidence based studies, and therefore knowledge, is being restricted by centralized companies, with scientific discoveries being kept behind paywalls. The fact that an individual needs to pay up to 50$ to read a scientific study, deters many in doing so, slowing down the pace at which scientific progress is made.

Currently, researchers have to publish their work in scientific journals in order to widely disseminate their results, and gain recognition in the scientific world. The whole process is quite tedious, with publishers reaping most of the benefits.

This situation is hurting the whole scientific community. Exorbitant prices determine a limited access to research output, yet assure huge revenues to publishers, which manage to duck most of the costs, due to governments or institutions financing the researchers.

Although funds are put at the disposal of scientists, these are quite difficult to find, and even more burdensome to obtain because of competition. Instead of enabling collaboration between scientists worldwide, the status quo is only bound to hinder the advancements in science.

Scienceroot is here to help overcome this situation through it’s revolutionary platform, and help science flourish.

Researchers can join the Scientific Collaboration Network, create a unique profile, connect with fellow peers and showcase their research.

Scientists will be able to set up their own scientific repository, and team up with others to experiment and share ideas.

Their involvement may also be rewarded in the incentivized Q&A forum, where the expertise of more seasoned researchers is sure to help and benefit others. Instruments, tests, or machines which are needed by researchers will also be found in a decentralized scientific marketplace.

Scienceroot will incorporate a funding platform as well, where members of the academic community may secure funding for their research. Among others, the funding portal will enable access to a complete index of international research grants, funding opportunities and scientific jobs.

You can read more about the platform’s features here:

A sustainable Initial Coin Offering / Be one of the first to get Science Tokens

Scienceroot proposes a trust generating approach in regard to it’s ICO.

Looking to foster a relationship based on confidence with all investors, Scienceroot will attract funds in rounds, spread across multiple years. Each capital infusion demand will be based on a display of delivered results, and clear explanation of future expenditure investments.

For it’s first Initial Token Offering, starting July 15th, Scienceroot is expecting to raise $500.000, funds needed for achieving the next stage of the project — a fully functional collaboration platform used by scientists and practitioners alike. To back their claim, the startup already has a functional MVP, with an alpha-version of the collaboration platform, and the backup of proeminent figures from the scientific community, who are looking forward to using the platform.

Once the milestone of creating the platform reached, Scienceroot will focus on the development of the funding platform, estimating a need of 2.5 million $ for the achievement of this goal.

With the platform beginning to be widely used by scientists for both collaboration, and for securing funds, the last two Token Offerings will be directed at raising funds for the foundation of the Scienceroot Journal and Scienceroot Fund, the first decentralized scientific journal which offers research grants to scholars.

For a detailed description of Scienceroots ITO and its Science Token, click here.

Science Tokens are launched on Waves, the fastest blockchain platform which allows the creation of new cryptocurrencies. Science Tokens can be traded immediately after the tokensale on Waves DEX(Decentralized Exchange).

JOIN Initial Token Offering here.

Benefit from your involvment with Scienceroot

Whether a blockchain-enthusiast, or a researcher, you can benefit directly from your involvment with Scienceroot. Driven by our ambition to facilitate the transition of the scientific community to blockchain, we wish to engage both the scientific, and cryptocurrency community in the development of the Scienceroot ecosystem. We are therefore happy to announce that both a Bounty and an Airdrop program are live during the ITO.

A Bounty program has already been launched on July 11th, with the aim of increasing the visibility of our project within the blockchain community, through the input of its members. Allowing us to hit the spotlight by promoting Scienceroot on specialized social media channels, will, of course, be monetarily rewarded. Should you be interested in joining our Bounty program, click here for registration and details can be found here.

The Airdrop program is directed at attracting researchers and scientific users on the Scienceroot platform. Therefore, the first 5000 individuals who register and create an account on our App here, will automatically receive 100ST in their Scienceroot wallets. These may be used for the set up of scientific repositories, exchanging scientific instruments in our decentralized marketplace, or even for crowdfunding scientific projects.

Scienceroot is driven to make the scientific discovery process more efficient, and nourish scientists, for the benefit of us all.

Should you feel the same, assist us in the development of a state of the art scientific ecosystem, and join the ITO here.

Keep in touch with Scienceroot via it’s social media channels:






