Ecto.Schema `has_one/3` and `belongs_to/3` options (`:foreign_key` and `:references`) confusion

( has_many/3 belongs here too I guess)


Being bad at reading comprehension, the official docs were little to no help:

From Ecto.Schema.belongs_to/3 :

:foreign_key -
Sets the foreign key field name, defaults to the
name of the association suffixed by _id. For
example, belongs_to :company will define foreign key
of :company_id
:references -
Sets the key on the other schema to be used for the
association, defaults to: :id
:type -
Sets the type of automatically defined
:foreign_key. Defaults to: :integer and can be set
per schema via @foreign_key_type

… and from Ecto.Schema.has_one/3 (and has_many/3):

:foreign_key -
Sets the foreign key, this should map to a field on
the other schema, defaults to the underscored name
of the current module suffixed by _id
:references -
Sets the key on the current schema to be used for
the association, defaults to the primary key on the

Examples from working code:

(Today’s soundtrack was “Hammer To Fall” from QUEEN. All day.)

