Artificial Intelligence in Future and Present

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2 min readSep 12, 2019

One of the most cherished dreams — and fears — of today is penetration of Artificial Intelligence in all aspects of our life. Books and movies about wars with robots, artificial masterminds and the forever changed Earth emerge every year to stir our imagination. The reality is far less thrilling: in his famous article Andrew NG, one of the most influential figures in the AI field, admits that the most recent progress is through one type, in which some input data (A) is used to quickly generate some simple response (B). Let’s sketch what AI might do and what it can actually do in various industries:

Artificial Intelligence for Medicine
Artificial Intelligence for Education
Artificial Intelligence for Finance
Artificial Intelligence for Manufacturing
Artificial Intelligence for Media and Entertainment

It is true that our perception of Artificial Intelligence is formed under the influence of mass culture with all its dreams and fears. Of course, AI plays an increasingly important role in our life and we’ll see tremendous improvements of technology in the following years, but in its essence, AI is a tool. It helps us to enhance our abilities, just like normal computers, or calculators, or a pen and a paper that improve our memory. So, we are — and will be — in charge of what to do with this tool.




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