The Strength and Beauty of GraphQL in Use

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5 min readMar 11, 2021

Facebook developed GraphQL as a major problem-solver for more efficient mobile data loading in 2012 and released it as an open-source solution three years later. Since that time, it mistakenly associates with PHP only and lacks trust given Facebook’s reputation (if you know what I mean). However, a recent Netflix case that finds GraphQL as a game-changer to power the API layer and increase the scalability and operability of the studio ecosystem attracts attention. This specification already gained popularity — given State of JavaScript 2019 Report, 50.6% of respondents have heard of GraphQL and would like to learn it. However, The New York Times, Airbnb, Atlassian, Coursera, NBC, GitHub, Shopify, and Starbucks are already among the GraphQL users. We decided to dwell on the beauty, strength, and some constructions of GraphQL in its scalability, performance, and security aspects and tell about our use cases for a banking sphere and a platform of commercial targeting. See the list of useful toolkits added in the end as a bonus.

GraphQL: the Beans Spilled

GraphQL is a convenient way of communication between a client and a server first. Sometimes one can see it as an opponent to REST API given the main difference that GraphQL brings to the table — only endpoint to fetch the data by one call from multiple sources. Meanwhile, we are to provide the space for consideration whether this specification is relevant to particular tasks or REST API is the silver bullet for your case.

Both REST and GraphQL APIs are stateless, supported by any server-side language and any frontend framework, exchange the data through the JSON. But the one and the only endpoint containing the query expression to define the data that should be returned creates the what-you-see-is-what-you-get principle to optimize the work. Let’s deep dive into the specification’s main advantages and disadvantages.

Performance and Security

The flexibility of GraphQL is its main advantage over REST, as one gets what they want in a single API request. Define the structure of the information to receive back, and it goes back in the format requested, no under-fetching or over-fetching.

Meanwhile, caching seems to be one of the GraphQL downsides compared to REST (see the complete list of all the pros and cons further). REST APIs use the HTTP caching mechanism, providing cached data faster. It leverages its community-powered and time-tested feature, leaving GraphQL behind at the moment.

Security is another area of improvement for GraphQL while comparing it with REST, which boasts of a more mature system. The latter leverages HTTP authentication, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), or OAUth 2.0 mechanisms.

Pros and Cons: All Things Considered

Unlike REST API, GraphQL has detailed documentation and supports the function of nested queries that contributes to the principle “no over fetching and under fetching data,” which happened while using the first specification. Query and mutation are the joint GraphQL operations. Thus, the CRUD (create, read, update, delete) model is not relevant for GraphQL as the create operation executes through the query command (other ones are implemented with mutations).


  • Less miscommunication between the server and the client.
  • Introspection-driven tool: one can request a list of data types available.
  • Subscriptions — solution to receive real-time messages from the server (as well as detailed error messages).
  • Fragments enable the function of code-sharing.
  • No versioning as GraphQL gives access to the app to get the latest updates.


  • It is not the best option for simple apps; REST copes with this task much better.
  • One endpoint causes the web caching complexity that needs extra solutions for GraphQL specification — it lacks the automatic caching mechanism.
  • No file uploading, different manipulations required — check if it is critical for your use case.
  • GraphQL needs time-investment for Schema Definition Language to grasp first — but the fruits of your work will bring benefits afterward.
  • It is better to avoid too many nested fields at once as it may cause performance issues — define the architecture of the query beforehand.

Our Use Cases with GraphQL

GraphQL provides developers with higher scalability of the system that applies in any sphere. We want to share our experience of functions diversification for a commercial targeting platform and solving the banking application’s two-fold task.

The Platform for a Commercial Targeting

GraphQL became a convenient solution for one of our clients who needed to develop a platform for commercial targeting, providing a straightforward approach for searching the potential customers in any national institution or facility. Using it, the client can direct the ads straight to the audience of interest using geolocation data and a set of filters. The platform consists of two primary services: one for geo-based consumers extraction based on PlaceIQ dataset usage and one for attribute-based (consumers identity graph) with consumer dataset. The project can be extended by adding the missing residential dataset to retrieve residents at requested addresses. Also, the services could be wrapped into the REST API to provide the ability to trigger them using web requests.

Risk Reduction and Resilience Boosting Financial Platform

An average bank encounters no more than 100K transactions a day. Moreover, it also faces malicious actions and the risk of cyberattack. One of our clients needed to empower their software platform to encounter higher transaction pressure and provide a higher risk-management system to avoid financial crimes. As a result, we have developed a solution that stands for the high amount of transactions and provides the reports while detecting anomalies based on the transactions’ data in real-time.

GraphQL: Useful Toolkit

Check out the growing GraphQL community to find the latest updates on this solution. There are many horizontally and vertically developed solutions for GraphQL client, GraphQL gateway, GraphQL server, and database-to-GraphQL server. Add some of the tools that you enjoy using while working with GraphQL in comments to this blog.

GraphQL’s servers are available for languages like JavaScript, Java, Python, Perl, Ruby, C#, Go, etc.

Apollo Server for JavaScript applications and GraphQL Ruby are some of the most popular choices.

Apollo Client, DataLoader, GraphQL Request, and Relay are among popular GraphQL clients. Graphiql, GraphQL IDE, and GraphQL Playground for IDE’s respectively.

Some handy tools:

  • GraphQL Bindings — to use GraphQL API’s as modular buildings blocks
  • GraphQL Docs — to generate GraphQL documentation in a simple way
  • GraphCMS — GraphQL-based CMS
  • GraphQL Network for easy debugging
  • GraphQL Voyager — to visualize data relations

and there are much more, depending on one’s needs, as lists are keeping growing. Mention in the comments tools that worth it!




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