Voice Biometrics Recognition and Opportunities It Gives

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5 min readMay 13, 2024


Voice biometry can verify a person’s identity by analyzing unique characteristics of human voice, such as pitch and rhythm, and converting them into digital “voiceprints” for secure authentication. More convenient and less intrusive than traditional methods like fingerprint or facial recognition, it works remotely using standard microphones. Voice biometry is increasingly popular in industries like finance, healthcare, and customer support. The market was valued at $1.261 billion in 2021 and is projected to grow to over $3.9 billion by 2026, showing its potential to improve security & fraud prevention, customer service, and personalized experiences across various sectors.

How Does Voice Recognition Work?

Voiceprint Extraction

A voice sample is captured and analyzed to create a digital model called a voiceprint. This involves:

  • Acoustic Analysis: Analyzing the voice as an acoustic wave, using tools like waveforms for amplitude and spectrograms for frequency.
  • Mathematical Modeling: Converting voice characteristics into numerical values using AI and statistical methods.

Voiceprint Comparison

The stored voiceprint is compared with new voice samples to verify identity through methods like:

  • One-to-one Comparison: Matching a new sample against a specific stored voiceprint.
  • One-to-many and Many-to-many Comparisons: Checking one or more new samples against multiple stored voiceprints to find matches.

Scoring and Security

  • Scoring System: Each comparison is scored to determine if the new sample matches the stored voiceprint, using thresholds tailored to the application’s security needs.
  • Authentication: Access is granted if the comparison score meets or exceeds a predetermined threshold, ensuring robust security by preventing unauthorized access and detecting spoofing attempts like synthetic voices.

Voice recognition enhances security across various platforms by leveraging the unique complexity of human voice, making it difficult to duplicate and providing a secure, user-friendly authentication method.

Applications of Voice Biometry in Business

Voice biometrics provides a secure and efficient alternative to traditional security methods like passwords and PINs, which are increasingly susceptible to cybersecurity threats. Here’s how it’s transforming various business functions:

  1. Streamlined Customer Service

Voice biometrics enables customer service representatives to verify callers by voice alone, significantly reducing call times. For example, Barclays Bank uses this technology to identify customers within 20 seconds, cutting down call handling times and improving customer satisfaction rates.

2. Personalized User Experience

Voice recognition allows businesses to tailor customer interactions based on voice-identified profiles and preferences. Amazon’s Alexa, for instance, identifies the voices of family members, personalizing shopping and entertainment suggestions based on who is speaking to the device.

3. Increased Accessibility

This technology aids individuals with physical or visual impairments by allowing voice-based authentication, which is simpler and more accessible than typing passwords. Devices like Google Home help users control home features through voice commands, fostering independence.

4. Security and Fraud Prevention

Voice biometrics is also a robust tool against fraud, even with the advent of audio deep fakes. HSBC UK’s Voice ID system, for example, has successfully prevented £249 million of fraud transactions, reducing fraud attempts by 50%.

5. Multi-Channel Integration

Voice biometrics integrates seamlessly across various customer interaction channels, from call centers to digital platforms, ensuring a consistent and secure customer experience across all service points.

Case Study: Voice Biometric in Language Learning

Voice biometrics can also be used in education for personalization, attendance tracking, verifying students during the exams, and removing physical barriers for impaired students. In language learning, it can give real-time feedback on pronunciation and fluency. Voice recognition systems can analyze spoken language exercises, offering instant corrections and tips.

Pronunciation Training System

A leading North-American e-Learning company, which offers courses in over 100 languages, aimed to enhance their language learning products with advanced speech recognition technology. The objective was to develop a system capable of analyzing and instantly correcting learners’ pronunciation, adaptable to various accents, dialects, and noisy conditions.

Key Challenges:

  • Data Scarcity: Insufficient training data for less common dialects and accents.
  • Pronunciation Variability: Wide variations in learners’ accents posed recognition challenges.
  • Environmental Noise: Background noise impacted speech recognition accuracy.
  • Model Adaptation: The system required continuous updates to integrate new languages and respond to user feedback.


The language learning platform offers a range of exercises such as writing tasks, guessing games, and specifically, a module for unsupervised pronunciation training. This feature enables students to independently refine their pronunciation skills.

How It Works

When a student speaks, the system visually represents their uses artificial neural networks and deep learning to analyze speech, while machine learning and decision trees identify errors and suggest corrections based on language rules. This helps students understand and adopt various speaking styles.


The development team transitioned from MATLAB-based ASR models to a more advanced, TensorFlow-powered end-to-end ASR system. This system utilizes the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) for precise phonetic transcription of multiple languages. Key enhancements include:

  • Phoneme Mapping with IPA: Enables accurate language transcription by incorporating specific language tags for precise phoneme recognition.
  • Handling Diverse Alphabets: The team improved the open-source tool, Epitran, to manage phonemic transcriptions for various alphabets and phonetic specifics.
  • Dynamic Learning Models: The system continually updates and refines its models based on user feedback, enhancing its ability to adjust to new accents and conditions.


Voice recognition technology enhances business operations by offering better security than traditional passwords, and protecting sensitive information like financial details and health records. Its fast and unobtrusive authentication process increases customer satisfaction and improves efficiency. To find out more about voice biometrics recognition you can here.

SciForce has rich experience in speech processing and voice recognition. Contact us to explore new opportunities for your business.




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