The Western Australian Government Called the COVID-19 Vaccine Poison

Did WA reveal the globalist conspiracy?

Thom Booth
5 min readMay 28, 2021


Image by Liz Masoner.

There is a new piece of evidence being used to prove that the COVID-19 vaccine is deadly poison.

It comes in the form of a web page hosted by the state government of Western Australia.

It reads:

Public Health Act 2016 (WA) – Instrument of Authorisation – Authorisation to Supply or Administer a Poison [SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE – Australian Defence Force] (No.2) 2021

There is also a link to a .pdf file that leads to a dead web page. Very suspicious.

Has the mask slipped?

Did the Western Australian Government accidentally reveal the globalist conspiracy?

Or, is this the work of a concerned whistle-blower?

You may not be surprised to hear, the truth is a little more simple. Let’s clear this up.

This suspiciously worded document has been doing the rounds in anti-vaccination groups online. It is not a fake document but, as always, context is everything.

1. The .pdf is still available.

In case you want to read the document the government was so eager to hide you can find it, here.

Although, the question does arise. If it is proof of a conspiracy, why are they still hosting the file?

For that matter, why not take down the web page?

This doesn’t seem like an action indicative of a sinister motive. Mismanaged government IT systems seem like a much more relatable scenario.

Edit: The link to the .pdf is now working correctly again!

2. Vaccines are considered poisons by the Western Australian Government

The existence of the original document is ultimately irrelevant.

The fact remains that the Western Australian Government considers the vaccine a poison.

This is not a conspiracy theory, so it bears repeating:

The Western Australian Government considers the vaccine a poison.

More specifically, under the Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Medicines and Poisons (SUSMP) the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) vaccine is considered a Schedule 4 poison.

3. A lot of things are considered poisons by the WA Government

Do we have the proof we need to decry vaccines once and for all?

Well, not so fast. We need to explore each avenue to its conclusion.

So, our next step is to check Schedule 4 of the SUSMP,

You can find the latest version, here.

A quick glance shows us that schedule 4 is huge.

It contains a lot of nasty things. Heavy metals like lead and mercury; the deadly nightshade, digitoxin and; a whole host of things with names that are, to me at least, incomprehensible.

Also amongst the list however, are some things I recognise as inoffensive. Vitamin D — a useful supplement once taken during dark English winters. Along with other mundane medicines, such as paracetamol, ibuprofen and, aspirin.

My profession as a microbiologist allows me to spot a few more common drugs. The antibiotic of last resort vancomycin and the Nobel Prize winner’s streptomycin and ivermectin.

A host of traditional medicines also make the list: red yeast rice, ergot fungi, Podophyllum (Mayapple) and kava.

Finally, no confusing collection of chemicals would be complete without our old friends nicotine and caffeine.

So, how can we explain such a broad collection of so-called poisons? As always, context is key.

The SUSMP defines Schedule 4 poisons as:

Substances, the use or supply of which should be by or on the order of persons permitted by State or Territory legislation to prescribe and should be available from a pharmacist on prescription.

In short, Schedule 4 is reserved for prescribed medicines. Specifically, prescribed medicines that should be commonly available.

Since it is not advisable for you to administer vaccines yourself, it is unsurprising that all vaccines are Schedule 4 poisons.

Not so scary anymore.

If vaccines were as dangerous as some anti-vaccination campaigns would have us believe, they would sit under another schedule. Maybe even Schedule 10:

Substances of such danger to health as to warrant prohibition of sale, supply and use.

For the record, with the obvious exception of schedule 10, each Schedule contains items that may be of benefit to humans. Some, nicotine and caffeine for example, sit on several schedules depending on the quantity and concentration.

The important point is this:

Everything is poisonous under the right circumstances. This is especially true of medicines, which, by design, alter biological functions. We cannot assume something is bad because it is a poison.

Descriptions of each of the Schedules according to the Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Medicines and Poisons (SUSMP). The SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) vaccine is categorised under Schedule 4 — prescription only medicine.

What does the government have to say for itself?

As my final bit of research, I reached out to both the Department of Health, responsible for the scheduling of poisons, and the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, responsible for the Instrument of Authorisation.

I wanted to check my findings. After all, it would be awful if, in attempting to combat misinformation, I spread more of it! Also, since they are the subject of the discussion, I was curious to get their take on a few things.

Had they already provided a statement refuting the conspiracy?

What resources did they have at their disposal to combat misinformation?

Disappointingly, but not unsurprisingly, the Department of the Premier and Cabinet did not reply to my inquiry.

To their credit, the Department of Health did reply to my email. They directed me to a couple of FAQs (1, 2), which contained a wealth of information - none of which related to my question.

And, herein, lies the heart of the problem.

The Heart of the Problem

Misinformation thrives in a vacuum.

Obscure claims are the most persistent because they go unchallenged. False or misleading information can be generated quickly, whereas refuting them comprehensively takes far more effort. This means misinformation has a sizable head start over the truth.

To put it another way:

“Lies can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”

This is why the Department of Health’s vague response is so frustrating.

Governments are out of touch and under resourced to fight against misinformation. Add to these ingredients a working culture terrified of scandal and you have an unholy cocktail of ineffectuality.

In the Era of social media, information campaigns need to be rapid and dynamic. Otherwise, well-meaning people can get sucked into the vacuum of misinformation. Concerned citizens are deliberately fed misinformation by actors who are better funded, more organised and realise the value of public opinion.

This is a tragedy because we are being robbed of potential allies.

After all, there is a conspiracy afoot. Powerful forces are conspiring against our common interests through the spread on misinformation. It is just not as fantastical as our Facebook feeds might have us believe. The real conspiracy is not clandestine. It is brazen. Albeit, equally as insidious.

Thank you for reading. If you are interested in this story, an update is available, here.



Thom Booth

Thom is a scientist and writer currently living in Denmark.