How to Stand Out as a Tutor on Scoodle

Tom Martin
Published in
4 min readSep 20, 2021

Looking to get additional bookings, reach more students and make better money from Scoodle? Check out these pearls of wisdom below.

It takes mere seconds to make a first impression, especially nowadays given our appetite for fast-moving, never-ending content. At Scoodle we are positively tutor-centric and aim to help our tutors get the recognition they deserve by encouraging brand building. It is vital that our tutors do all they can to showcase their impressive skill sets and highlight their strengths. Here are some tips on how to make your profile stand out on Scoodle.

Improve your profile

  • Upload a profile picture. The first thing tutors should do is ensure you have uploaded a clear, high-resolution profile picture that shows their face. This is super easy and it’s well worth doing, our analytics show that 98% of tutors with bookings have profile pictures.
  • Get verified. Secondly, an easy improvement to make to your profile is to get verified. Not only do verified tutors rank higher in search results, but students are 93% more likely to book a tutor who is verified. Importantly, only fully verified accounts **can receive payments, so it’s a no-brainer really.
  • Write an interesting bio. Another easy fix is to have an interesting tagline. It’s one of the first things students will see. This will appear alongside your more in-depth About Me section which should provide further information, including the levels at which you teach (GCSE, A-Level, 11+), along with any previous tutoring experience, your education history and perhaps a few lines on your teaching style. Use this space as an opportunity to sell yourself. If you’ve tutored impressive numbers of students, drop those figures here!. If you’ve helped get 10 students into Oxbridge, shout about it!
  • Competitive pricing. We let you set your hourly rate on the platform but it is worth being aware that your prices can be amended as and when you wish. Our research demonstrates that second only to experience in tutoring/ teaching qualifications, price is the next key factor parents will consider when selecting a tutor!

Improve your ranking by boosting your number of students helped

Another way to stand out more on Scoodle is to increase your number of students helped. Put simply, the more students helped, the higher you will appear in search rankings. The students helped figure is calculated based on how many students your content has reached. It takes into account the three following factors: the number of students who’ve read the answers you’ve written in Q&A, the number of bookings you’ve taken and how many students have watched your videos.

In particular, the Q&A section is of great benefit to your profile as it demonstrates your teaching style, providing an insight into how you explain things. In this sense, it basically acts as an advert of sorts for your tutoring.

Improve your ranking through Tutor Score

Tutor Score is more of a points-based system where you receive a set amount of points for certain actions you complete. For example, answering a student’s question will earn you +10 points and completion of verification is rewarded with +80 points. It’s also worth noting that your Tutor Score holds more weight in our ranking algorithm than your students helped figure, in fact, your number of students helped actually contributes towards your overall Tutor Score.

Having established that your Tutor Score will have a big impact on your place in the search rankings, it’s time to explore the benefits of Scoodle Pro. Pro automatically gives you a daily Tutor Score boost of +100 points for the duration of the free trial, meaning you will be pushed up the rankings, giving your profile better visibility. For the statisticians amongst you, on average Pro tutors get booked 12% more and as a result, they earn on average £200 per month!


We have introduced the badges feature which acts as another eye-catching way to stand out to students. Think of them like scout badges. Badges are earned for different achievements including producing valuable content, being an experienced tutor and being ranked within the top 10 tutors for a certain subject.

Best Practices

Finally, some general best practices for standing out on Scoodle. Of course, students know that tutors are super busy, however, having a quick response time to messages is to everyone’s benefit and increases the chances of securing those bookings. In a similar vein, as a tutor, if you do decide to mark your availability in your dashboard, try and keep it as up to date as possible as students will look at this before booking.

Are there any other features in the app that you’d like help with? Let us know on!



Tom Martin
Editor for

Marketing Lead at Scoodle.