What to study to go viral on YouTube

Tom Martin
Published in
4 min readSep 23, 2021

What do you want to be when you grow up?

This is a question you’ve probably been asked countless times, from the terrible twos all the way to choosing your GCSEs. And the answers often change!

For example, the Scoodle team had some wild ambitions. Our co-Founder Mujavid was very keen to study Medicine, while Jack, one of our delightful software engineers, knew he wanted to be a programmer from the age of 11.

Traditionally, children are thought to idolise superheroes or astronauts, as these are the most exciting professions imaginable. However, a recent poll by LEGO asked children what they’d like to be when they grow up. The study revealed that children in the UK and USA would prefer being a vlogger or YouTuber than being an astronaut when they grow up. Surprising, or maybe not so much!

So what skills do you need to become a YouTuber?

Even though being a vlogger looks like non-stop fun, it is definitely harder than it looks! Outside of the subject of your videos, you’ll need to be really good at researching, video editing, analysing data and writing. Let’s go into that a little more below:

Researching: We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, research is such an important skill to have! Knowing where to go for reputable information and how to think critically about what you might read are two skills that you can take with you whether you go into academics or YouTube. Make sure you’re practicing this every time you write an essay for school or university, and ask any of our tutors for tips or a dedicated session.

Video Editing: This is an obvious one, but there are ways to incorporate it into your academics that you may not have thought of. Ask your teachers if you can perhaps submit a video instead of an essay for Art or Music, or look into courses like EPQs that accept multimedia submissions. Practice definitely makes perfect, so even if it is making a TikTok every now and then, give it a shot!

Ironically, sometimes YouTube is the best place to learn how to make videos — there is so much content on how to become a YouTuber there but always think critically about what you’re watching.

Have a look at our video Handbook for more tips from our very own YouTuber and co-Founder Imdad!

Analysing Data: This is useful to understand engagement and other metrics you might find on your YouTube or social media dashboards. Getting familiar with graphs and different types of data in GCSE maths (or beyond) is perfect for this, and even manipulating data and spreadsheets in ICT is very very useful.

If you’re keen to develop your skills, here are some stand out tutors which we’re sure would be happy to help:

Pavlina Kruzikova — an enthusiastic UCL Physics student with years of experience in teaching and tutoring. She has many videos on GCSE Maths too!

Jennifer Taylor — a classroom Physics teacher for 10 years. She has experience working with students at GCSE level, and can help with both Foundation and Higher tier.

Writing: Writing is really handy to plan what you’re going to say or do. Think of it like a storyboard or comic where each section details a different point in the video: introduction, part 1, part 2, conclusion. All films and television shows depend on good writers to come up with great stories, so next time you’re in an English lesson try to get stuck into creative or academic writing.

If you’re keen to develop your English or writing skills, here are some stand out tutors which we’re sure would be happy to help:

Aminah Agha Alonso — currently studying English Literature at King’s College London, tutoring for the past three years with the aim of becoming a teacher after univeristy.

Nina Modak — tutor for 5 years in both 1-on-1 and group classes, helping students gain confidence in their academics and abilities.

Don’t forget the importance of your GCSEs — even if you don’t go on to do A Levels or university! When you’re applying to your first jobs, there are often requirements for Maths and English GCSE. So make sure you’re giving yourself the best chances, and don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team if you’re looking for recommendations!

But wait, there’s more!

There are also other options to get involved in during sixth form or college, or during the long summer holidays.

For example, internships are a great way to show you’re passionate about something that isn’t necessarily academic, like making YouTube videos. Browsing through LinkedIn or Otta is a good way to find any companies offering internships local to you or remote ones. Look out for creative agencies offering internships or social media management roles, as these will be most likely to need video editing. Experience like this will definitely help you build a strong CV for whatever you go on to do.

Volunteering is also a wonderful way to give back to your local community, and can be a better opportunity than you think. Pretty much every business or organisation has some sort of online presence, you could offer to make a highlight reel or promotional video for them to post online. This will give you an opportunity to practice video editing, while also supporting a good cause.



Tom Martin
Editor for

Marketing Lead at Scoodle.