Google Summer of code Ninth and Tenth Week

Sarthak Singh
SCoRe Lab
2 min readAug 15, 2021


Hello Everyone, I hope you all are safe and doing good! I am writing this final article of my GSoC’2021 in SCoRe labs.

As of now, I have completed most of the tasks given to me by the mentors and completed my final report. In the past two weeks, I have been writing blogs that I have missed, refactoring my code, and updating Docker images as the code in the repository changes.

For the detailed documentation of the project check out Scan8. This documentation will help developers to how to get the application up and running.

During this GSoC period, I have learnt a lot from this community and in future will contribute to this project as well as other projects in the SCoRe lab community.

Coming up

After this week, I will help maintain the project and implement the ideas to help developers use Scan8 to its full potential. My main focus after this GSoC period is to create the helm package out of it and publish it to the repository by which it can be easily integrated and run as a service in Kubernetes.

Other tasks which I will be working on are:-

  1. Integrating CI/CD pipeline in the project.
  2. Hosting Scan8 into GKE.
  3. Fixing bugs and issues raised by the community.
  4. Integrating Github actions for performing required actions if actions like the issues are raised or PR is submitted or someone forked the repo.

I am really happy that SCoRe labs provided me with this amazing opportunity. They gave me a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I was able to learn new technology, overcome most of my introverted fears of social interaction, and get valuable life experience. During these four months, I realised that it doesn’t matter how many technologies or frameworks you know as a software developer; what matters the most is your zest and capacity to learn and catch things up quickly, as well as your ability to apply them appropriately.

Stay tuned for further updates and feel free to connect with me on Linkedin if you have any doubts, feedbacks, or even otherwise!

Join the GITTER channel of Scan8 for more insights into the project.

