Google Summer of Code: OpenMF Week 8

Swapnal Shahil
SCoRe Lab
Published in
2 min readAug 1, 2021
Google Summer of Code with SCoRe Lab: Week 8

Hey, I am back with another update on Google Summer of Code 2021. In this blog, I am sharing my work which I did in the eighth week of the coding period. In case if you haven’t seen my proposal till now 😀✌ here is a link for that — My-GSoC-Proposal.

This week I worked on Data Visualization in the OpenMF frontend and tried to present observed analytics through graphs, tables, maps of each case in the report section of OpenMF Analytics. Also this week I got to learn how people collaborate on a particular issue on GitHub and reach solutions through collaboration. This week I collaborated with Sachin Som to make things happen and complete the proposed weekly milestone.

Presentation of Analytics was really challenging for me especially locations on Google Maps. As I use Maps JavaScript API to embed Map and customize according to fetched data from android devices. The Maps JavaScript API features four basic map types (roadmap, satellite, hybrid, and terrain) which can modify using layers and styles, controls and events, and various services and libraries. Apart from all these I also created 3 APIs which were necessary for visualizing data and implemented those on the front end.

API for fetching coordinates (above)
API for fetching general information about the device (above)
API for searched websites with its frequency (above)

In the coming week, I will be working on the presentation of observed analytics between two cases on the OpenMF frontend. I will try my best to complete it as per my timeline and will keep updating you about my work through these blogs. So keep reading, sharing, and supporting. 😊

Till then if you haven’t read my previous blog here is a link for that: Google Summer of Code: OpenMF Week 7. 😊😀

See you soon!!😊

Github: swapnalshahil 👈

LinkedIn: swapnalshahil 🤘

Instagram: eulersgamma 😃



Swapnal Shahil
SCoRe Lab

GSoC’22 Mentor || GSoC’21 @SCoReLab || B.Tech at IIT Guwahati'23