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Google Summer of Code: Week 0

Mehant Kammakomati
SCoRe Lab


I am excited about this Summer to work on some challenging and fun problems which I will be working as part of Google Summer of Code with SCoRe Lab ❤️. This document throws light on my project on Bassa and week 0 updates.

My GSoC project on Bassa:

On a broad view, I will be working on two parts Writing efficient client libraries for Bassa API server and Integrate monitoring and alerting tool to Bassa Kubernetes cluster using Prometheus.

As part of writing client libraries, along with basic modules, I will be implementing retry mechanisms and rate-limiting all initially in Python and then expand to other languages as time permits. This addition would be a great use to developers whos wish to add an automated download queue to their projects very easily.

For the second part, I will be writing cluster configurations to deploy the monitoring and alerting services, to get live statistics on cluster resource usage with alerting mechanisms to notify in group chats like slack whenever there is a threshold crossing. Finally, visualize this with awesome Grafana dashboards. This addition to the project will be a great use for large scale organizations who wish to use Bassa excessively.

Week 0 update:

May 6:

I went through Prometheus docs for quick on-boarding of the work. Read about exporters that are suitable for the Bassa Kubernetes cluster. Presently a node exporter with kube-state-metrics would do most of the resource scraping from the cluster.

May 7:

I went through various blogs on monitoring toolset integration best practices. Learned about maintaining the modular file structure for the deployment and service scripts which will be part of monitoring and alerting modules for the cluster.

May 8:

I went through topics: on-premise deployments, Raspberry Pies, creating a home server. So that to have a proper discussion on testing Bassa and finding out best use cases we can come up with for its first release.

Scanned through my local Bassa setup, made few local bug fixes in the front-end (Had issues with the recent change on Password rules in the sign-in page), and Aria2c Dockerfile (alpine:edge isn’t supporting so changed it to alpine:latest, disabled IPv6 as it isn’t being supported again).

May 9:

Meetup with my Mentor Bathiya Perera, to discuss structuring the future work process, project goals, and milestones. Problems (Related to the core of the Server: Download Daemon gives out errors creating many threads, Database server goes away and download never starts and few more) presently we need to fix those bugs for the first release of Bassa. On a bird view, we got our goals as fix the bugs, make the first release Bassa v1.0, work on client libraries, and integrate Prometheus in parallel as both are disjoint work.


This is it for Week 0 and hopefully will make more progress in the coming week.

You can find as Mehant Kammakomati at GitHub, Twitter, LinkedIn

