GSoC 2020 — Coding phase begins

This is my “Week 4” as a GSoCer and we are officially in the coding period (1st June to 7th June 2020)

Vinuri Bandara
SCoRe Lab
3 min readJun 8, 2020


The first week of coding for community dictionary

Here we are again, week 4 of GSoC with score lab….. or first week of the official coding phase.

During the community bonding period, I got some work done as I started UI designing pretty early and actually made a lot of progress. My last story shows the progress I made during week 0 to week 3.

The community dictionary team finalized the file structure but since it is a new project we had to change requirements quiet often. Week 3 was when we finalized the designs and requirements. Even though it took some time, I think it’s important to have a stable base especially when it’s a new project.

Implementing the plan… 😃

If you read my previous story, we came up with an implementation plan and this week I started officially implementing the community dictionary or as we call it “com-dict”. You can see our progress, in our score lab repository.

I divided all the components into a few folders since it will be easier to maintain and manage the project in the future. That task didn’t take long and then I moved on to creating the login or the sign-in component for the com-dict.

Log in functionality implemented

After the implementation was completed I added the changes to the GitHub repository.

Next, I moved on to solving the next two issues, sign up page and the page for adding a new word or a new translation.

I decided to go ahead with the add word functionality since it has a lot of requirements to be added. I did make a lot of progress within this week, as the initial design in over I just have to get the feedback from the rest of the team.

This is what our Add new word looks like right now, it needs a bit more work🙂🙂

Before I end my story I have to say, the community boding period was a great experience for me, I learned how to professionally work with a team and how to communicate my ideas. Regarding time management, since our team got a head start on the implementation I think we are right on track and we will be able to make great progress by the end of the implementation period.

So there we have it guys, week 4 or the first week of the coding period. I hope to get more work done this coming week because we got our mid-semester break of one week 😄😄
Have a great day and stay safe!!!!!!!!

