GSoC Coding phase

This is what I did within the two weeks from 15th June to 9th August…..

Vinuri Bandara
SCoRe Lab
7 min readJun 22, 2020


The sixth week as a GSoCer…… and this week I target the remaining issues I had to close before the evaluation week.

So the issue I target was adding a form that can be used by the users who are registered to include a new word or a translation into the community dictionary. I completed the UI design and added that to the com-dictionary repository in Github. Along with that added a proper footer for the community dictionary.

After that, I've been working on the next issue, designing how the words and the will be displayed to the users. the usability aspect when it comes to this task is extremely crucial. Therefore, I’ve been taking feedback from the mentor and also the fellow developer working on com-dict.

For each word in the dictionary, multiple important details will be shown, in order to give the users a better user experience.

Along with this task, I did some upgrades on the home page to reduce the excessive white space we had before. That resulted in a new header for the community dictionary which is more user friendly.

This coming week I’ll be working on the issue that needs to be closed and will work improving the UI experience of the users.

So that’s it for this week, and I will see in the story of my 7th week….. It’s the last week before the evaluation phase, so it’ll be a big one. 😁😁
Goodbye!!! Stay safe!!!

GSoC Coding phase — Week 7

The seventh week as a GSoCer…… this is the last seven days we have available before the evaluation phase.

The last issue to be solved before the evaluation phase was to add a dictionary view for every word under each letter ( I mentioned this in my 6th-week update as well ). According to my opinion, this is the component that requires most usability and readability.

New improvements were made to the initial design and the changes were committed to the com-dictionary repository.

Dictionary view enhanced with usability and readability

Now the initial designs are done and during the next implementation phase, we will focus on implementing the rest of the functionalities and improving the attractiveness of the platform.

That’s it for the first coding phase….. See you again in the first week of the second coding phase. 😊😊

GSoC Coding phase — Week 8

Books On Shelves In Library Photo by Karol D

This was the first week after our first evaluation……During the evaluation phase, while the mentors were evaluating our performance within the first phase of coding and the results up to now, we had the opportunity to evaluate our mentors.

So this is my 8th week as a GSOCer, my main target for this week was to modify the landing page. The main reason for these changes came from the fact that our requirements changed and we needed to change the usability aspect of the design.

Next, I included a categorical view for the dictionary to show all the words under one category.

After the fellow developer working on the backend suggests new changes that come up while his development, I plan to incorporate those into the existing project.

This was a slow start for the second phase of the coding period because of the changes I had to put into the project. Next week I will be focusing on the structure in categorical and trending listings.

GSoC Coding phase — Week 9

The second week after evaluation, I was super ecstatic to get good and positive feedback from my mentors. I am glad that they are happy with the functionalities we have incorporated into the community dictionary.

Next, we planned to incorporate a way people can give their honest opinions on each word, given that this will be a social-driven platform. The comment section will give the platform some transparency. Also, the up-vote and down-vote functionality will help us with the quality control of the platform.

Due to some changes that happened in the registration and login processes, I had to make some changes in the signup functionality.

Sign up page implemented and finalized

GSoC Coding phase — Week 10

This is the 10th week, which started from 13th July to 19th July. Well, only two more weeks to go before the second evaluation phase. No need to say that these are going to be very stressful two weeks.

So what did I do this week? I went over some of the social platforms that act as online dictionaries or libraries. Surprise… surprise, people can get inappropriate when there is no filtering or administration system into the system.

When given the ability of invisibility within the internet, people tend to add inappropriate content into platforms.

So we decided to solve this issue, with the help of the public. For each word, we planned a Report functionality, I started implementing this functionality after discussing it with my mentors.

The user can report any word that lands under each of these conditions

Next week I'll be implementing the comment section we planned last week….. We have been facing some issues when deploying the application and we will definitely look into it and correct it asap….

GSoC Coding phase — Week 11

So the last week before the evaluation phase…. not to sound crazy but I have been quite stressed about this evaluation phase. So this entire week I focused mainly on making the front-end of the application more attractive and simple to use.

What went through my mind was, if a person is really looking forward to improving his vocabulary… he/she might be interested in the trending words or the most popular word of the day and for the entire week. So after discussing this with my fellow GSoCer, I went ahead and added some UI components as below.

For a single week, all the words of the days will appear on the home page.

I must say…. this week was very productive given that most of the functionalities are already implemented and we have made a lot of progress so far……. Excited for the evaluation week and to see what our mentors think.

GSoC Coding phase — Week 12

So this is the week after the evaluation and again we got great feedback for our project community dictionary.

So this week I added the final touches to the home page and the add word page since it needed some more fields which will create a more all-round definition and background for each word.

This is the outline of the add new word form.

Also, we decided to limit the categorical view, into a few known word categories such as sports, food, politics, and environment.

Categorical view for the users to navigate or read definitions related to each category.

We are almost done with the community dictionary… hopefully, the mentors will think he new functionalities will add more usability to the application…
See you all next week…..

