GSoC coding week 4 with SCoRe Lab

SCoRe Lab
Published in
1 min readJun 28, 2020

At the culmination of the week 4 of the coding period I breathe a heavy sigh of relief.. This journey has been a success and opportunity to learn till now and I am very much satisfied with the amount of milestones we at LabelLab have achieved in a short span.

This week I was able to achieve a lot of things -

  1. I completed the documentation for the labeller of LabelLab
  2. I finished setting up the OAuth2 using Google and GitHub
  3. Made a draft PR to continue working on the revamp of the front-end which being a long process would require additional Analytics and Classification routes and controllers to be setup before proceeding further.
  4. Complete the testing setup for the front-end and write tests for projects, register, login and users reducers and for login and dashboard components integrating testStore feature of Enzyme in them and integrating them with Travis-CI.
  5. Polish up the back-end.

I am planning to complete the front-end revamping by the end of next week and possibly start working on a way to represent Intersection over Union metric data and write unit tests tests for front-end and back-end.

