GSoC’20 — Coding phase | Week 11
This is a summary of my 8th week of the coding period and the most exciting thing is this is the last week before the second evaluation phase.☺️
As an evaluation milestone, I ‘m in the phase of completing the last task, of implementing the push manager feature with ukiyo deamon. More than half of the push manager feature has been completed, so this week I looked more into the validation and unit testing. The container downtime was not zero, hench I integrate the scheduler feature with ukiyo container runner.
Next, I added a new feature that can list the history of deployed containers. That feature can be used to view the status of containers when a ukiyo dashboard is added in the future and for that, I have exposed an API. Finally, the push manager feature was successfully implemented. Now ukiyo can access any docker registry and apply the latest container into a live docker environment by killing and removing the existing container.
Up to now, all the milestones related to phase 2 have completed. I opened a PR to add all the implemented features with the validations.
- ukiyo do trigger for a new image via webhook and pull the images from the docker registry.
- ukiyo can create docker images with docker.HostConfig
- ukiyo will remove the existing container version and run the latest container.
- ukiyo provides the facility to expose multiple ports.
- ukiyo will list the history of deployed containers.
- ukiyo push manager only identifies the latest tag according to the time that the image is pushed and not consider the versioning of the docker tag
That’s it for this week. I was in a tight schedule though this week, and I was able to complete my second evaluation milestones. Keep in touch to read more updates about my GSOC’20 experiences. Thanks for reading! 🙇