GSoC’20 — Coding phase | Week 6
This is a summary of my 3rd week of the coding period.
At the start, I focus on building the Docker image, for that both alpine and Busybox base images was applied separately to check the image size. Further, I was able to get a docker build from Scratch. As it always recommended to go with a lower size of docker image, I also planned to go with the smallest one. The scratch image is the smallest but the image size was higher than the mentors’ prediction. In scratch, there is nothing but the go binary. The gin framework is the only external package I have used for ukiyo, and it seems gin is big therefore, that can be a reason for getting image size more than our expectation. On an amazing idea that a mentor gave I try to build the image with the `-ldflags=”-s -w”` flags and was able to go down to 12MB.
Next, I target the remaining issues I had to close before the phase 1 evaluation the issue I target was adding a webhook listener feature. Finally, I created a PR with possible unit test cases to close the issue.
For now, ukiyo can access any container registry and do trigger for new images. So next focused on the implementation of the pull manager feature to pull the image into ukiyo as the last milestone in phase 1, but for that need access for the credentials or token keys of the registry and need the API access. Then I thought to go with a simple persistence database to store the credentials and tokens, A cache is maintained in process time but DB is useful incase ukiyo killed. So I pitch my idea on database to mentors, They suggested me to use a file to store rather a DB for the moment. In a later stage, can move on to a couple of persistence mechanisms. After, I involved with some research things on mechanisms used in docker swarm and k8 to storing secrets and stuff.
This week mostly I involved with research-based stuff but the coming week will be more interesting because I plan to work on more implementation parts in the pull manager feature. That’s it for this week. So little has done and there is a lot more to do next week.
Keep in touch to read more updates about my GSOC’20 experiences. Thanks for reading! 🙇