GSoC’22 Week 1 with SCoRELab

Janvi thakkar
SCoRe Lab
Published in
2 min readJul 3, 2022

The community bonding period went awesome. I have other partner contributors on the same project. We all had an unofficial meeting to know each other better. We all talked about our journey with the CodeLabz project, what are our plans, and discussed things we might need to learn. After that, we had one-to-one meetings with a mentor and he guide us toward the next steps.

The coding period began on the 13th of June. We attended a group meeting with a mentor to discuss how to proceed further, how to collaborate, and the best practices to follow. I volunteered to create all the issues for us to work on in the upcoming 1–2 weeks.

I created issues for all the components we were supposed to develop. I also started working on my assigned tasks. I worked on creating some UI components. I created PR for the same and waited for a mentor to review it. It finally got merged:))

Plans for Week2:

I would be working on the remaining assigned components and then creating storybook stories for each component. Goodbye!

