GSoC’22 Week 5 & 6: Tokenized Creations

Sadashay Kanungo
SCoRe Lab
2 min readJul 26, 2022


This is the fourth in a series of blogs covering my journey as a contributor in GSoC ’22 at SCoRe Lab. Here, I share the progress of the project and just think out loud.

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Progress Update

The fifth week was spent in implementing the minting functionality for creating new NFTs on the blockchain. With mid term evaluations approaching, the sixth week was kept as a buffer for taking feedback from mentors, finalizing all functionalities and polishing the edges in the package. Here is a short overview of the new Mint functionality.

Mint Functionality

In the previous week we had deployed a smart contract to a blockchain network using the Ethers library. The next step was to call the minting function on this contract to mint new NFTs for different owners. This sort of interaction with deployed contracts is also supported by the Ethers library. The mint function included in the Contract class provides an implementation for this functionality. Now NFT Toolbox users can start from scratch and end up minting NFTs on a blockchain to different addresses in a simplistic way.

The Mint method currently supports only one mode of call to minting function on the contract. With the development of subsequent functionality, other modes will also be developed to support as many use cases as possible.

What’s Next?

The next and last functionality to be implemented in NFT Toolbox is to allow users to post their newly minted NFTs on marketplaces for Sale and Auction. With this, a user’s workflow from creating a digital asset to monetizing it will be complete.

That’s all for now. See you in the next blog!

