GSoC’22 Week 7 & 8: Final Modifications

Sadashay Kanungo
SCoRe Lab


This is the fifth in a series of blogs covering my journey as a contributor in GSoC ’22 at SCoRe Lab. Here, I share the progress of the project and just think out loud.

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Progress Update

With GSoC Midterm evaluation complete, we continue our work on NFT Toolbox which is now almost complete. The objective in the seventh week was to add Marketplace functionalities. However due to an installation issue in an important dependency package, we decided to defer this functionality to a later version. The eighth week was kept as a buffer to finalize all the aspects of the package before deployment. A few changes were made in the Upload and Mint functionalities. With these the package is now complete. The updates regarding both the weeks are discussed in detail below.

Marketplace Functionality

In the previous blogs we have seen that NFT Toolbox is capable of creating NFTs from scratch and minting them on a deployed Smart Contract. The next and final step in the process of NFT monetization is to post these NFTs on a Marketplace platform for Sale or Auction. There are loads of NFT marketplaces now, but the most popular is OpenSea.

We wanted to equip NFT Toolbox with the OpenSea SDK to enable users to post their Sales and Auctions right from the package. However, the Installation Issue in OpenSea SDK made it difficult for it to be integrated in this package. Since there was no work-around, we wait for the resolution of this issue. This functionality will be included in a later version of NFT Toolbox.

Final Changes

The following improvements were identified and implemented in the package before finalizing it.

Single NFT Upload Functionality

The Upload functionality developed in Week 2 enables users to upload their NFT Collections to various File Storage Platforms. An additional functionality has now been added which performs the same task but for a single NFT.

All Interactions, not just Minting

The Mint functionality developed in Week 5 is useful in calling the Mint function on a Smart Contract and mint a new NFT on it. This mechanism was not flexible as it required the Smart Contract to have a specific kind of mint function. Instead of Mint, the package has now been equipped with Read and Write functions which act as an interface to the internal Ethers.js connection. Using these functions the user can now interact with any function on the contract without any restrictions. So the Mint Functionality has been upgraded to Interaction Functionality.

With these final changes the package is complete for its first release. However our journey at GSoC’22 is certainly not. Read along to find out what we will be doing in the coming weeks.

What’s Next?

In the coming weeks we will work on the Documentation of the package. When it comes to making a package acceptable in the community, Documentation is as important as the code if not more. So we will spend a good amount of time in creating a Documentation and make it as helpful as possible for the users.

That’s all for now. See you in the next blog!

