My GSOC Experience With SCoRe Lab #6

Piyumal Kularathna
SCoRe Lab
Published in
2 min readAug 11, 2021


As I mentioned at the end of my fifth article, I’m planning to give my best to this project because they gave me this great opportunity and I owe it to them.

So doing my work right is one way to fulfill that objective. I am a believer in this below quote.

“Do it right the first time”

So I always make sure that my code does not contain any warnings or errors before sending pull requests. I do not even commit my code to my personal fork with warnings.

In that way, those are not going to bite me at the end. Also fixing them is way easier when I’m working on those functions before forgetting. Another benefit is the code is much cleaner.

But in our project, there were some warnings and issues from few functions which I’m not involved in. As I have no place to interfere with them, I inform my colleagues about this issue.

But as we are at the end phase of our project, I decided to fix them too after some time.

So as I fixed and committed, when I’m going to send the pull request, I check the pending pull requests as it was a habit of mine.

When I was checking pull requests, I found the exact fixes in another pending pull request too. It was not a surprise as I later found out that mentor specifically asked someone to fix those issues in our public chat.

So my committed changes are no longer needed. So I appreciate my colleague by commenting and waited for this pull request to get approved.

I even contacted mentor and ask him to approve the pull request as we were ready to deploy the project.

But unfortunately I was contacted by the mentor and he informed me there are few changes needed in linting error fixing. Those errors has interrupted the building process of the project.

So I get back on the task and merged my code with the master. There were some conflicts because I was also doing the same task. I fixed those conflicts and also fixed the issues mentioned by the mentor.

At the end of the day, all the trouble was not a waste as it was so satisfying to see our project was deployed in our domain. So it proves the the fact that Finishing something will give you satisfaction yet again.

