My GSOC Experience With SCoRe Lab #7

Piyumal Kularathna
SCoRe Lab
Published in
2 min readAug 19, 2021


So we were obviously at the end of the summer. So it’s time to finish all the tasks. Mentor contacted me and ask about my progress.

I said that all the components I was assigned to is already finished. Then he asked about other things I had to develop like the website app bar. In that time, it was also finished.

There was a slight issue with the app bar and one of my colleague asked about some changes. Even though I informed him that all the developed changes was requested by the mentor to me personally, I thank him for the concern.

Then I went to test the app bar again and find out it is working fine.

So when my mentor contacted me, I also asked him about the changes again just to check if there was any miscommunication between him and me. Mentor clarify that there was no mistake in the communication and developed components are exactly what he asked.

Then mentor assigned me to a new task. So I had to check all the components of the entire project and change the theme.

As we are at the end of the google summer of code, I was very proud that from 4 developers, mentor chose me to add the final touch up to the website.

So I check each and every component of the project and change them as requested. Fixing alignments, adding new colors and buttons, and making the user interface more user friendly were my top priorities.

It took me few days as there were a lot of components to check but at the end, it was worth doing.

So our google summer of code project is already finished. It was a matter of time till my code get merged into the master, so I waited.

There is a saying that “A good programmer looks both ways before crossing a one-way street.” So as funny as it is, I did not waste the waiting without going by my code again and again. That’s how much I love this project.

