My GSoC ’21 Journey: Week 10

Amlan Kumar Nandy
SCoRe Lab
Published in
2 min readAug 16, 2021

After 10 weeks of building and learning, we’re finally in the endgame! This marks the 10th and last week of Google Summer of Code 2021. This has been an amazing experience and definitely one of the highlights of my college career.

Having put every bit of my energy into my project over the last 9 weeks, I plan to do the same this week and polish out every rough edge there is in the project!

Work for the Week

Having completed all my project milestones pretty early, the only work I had to do this week was updating the documentation. That included moving the docs from the main readme to the project wiki and writing documentation for the new features that have been implemented this summer. Documentation for the mobile section was already done in Week 5, so all I had to do here was just to do the same for Frontend and Backend.

Work for this week can be found in the following PR

#616 — Update Documentation

Also, check out the Project Wiki if you want to learn more about the project or wish to contribute to it. On the same note, also give my previous blogs a read!


This might be the last week of the program, but not the last blog from me! Once the final evaluations are done, I plan to write another one penning down my final thoughts and what one should do to prepare for GSoC ’22.

Hope you’ll check that out too. Until then, stay safe, and may the source be with you! :)



Amlan Kumar Nandy
SCoRe Lab

Software Engineer at Clumio, a SaaS-based startup focusing on Data Security for the Cloud. Love exploring new tech and collaborating with passionate people! :)