Working on with SCoRe Lab for GSoC 2020: Week 11

Heshan Geasman
SCoRe Lab
Published in
2 min readSep 9, 2020

My previous Medium article got published under SCoRe as

This is the final week! This week I created Docker images for testing on different platforms, like apt, apk, yum, dnf, etc. I’m pushing these Docker images to GitHub packages as Docker images using the GitHub Actions!

Now you can see in the project we have stored all the Docker images as GitHub packages.

Anyone can download these Docker images as,

docker pull


We have installed the shellspec and expcet tools in all of these images and when tests are running, they can pick these tools.

In our Tests GitHub Action I am using these to run the tests.

These Docker images are getting build using GitHub Actions in parallel when a change is merged to the master

Now I am sending notifications to the LeaopardLabs/ or whatever the configured Gitter channel on the creation of new Pull Request with new installer scripts, updates, etc.

GitHub Actions flow will sending a message when a PR got merged and the Continuous Deployment scripts are generating the installer scripts, updates, etc and when the new PR is created it will update the same message with the new PR link along with the PR which caused that PR to e created.

The user who sends the messages to Gitter is configured using a Personal Access Token which is stored in the GitHub Secrets. LeopardsLab admins are working on getting a bot user created for this.

With this, my GSoC journey ends, but I will be working with the LeopardsLab and project and give my contributions to it going forward! I will be writing a blog with all implementations in project soon! Stay tuned!

