Image Uploading Issue — Fixed

Lisa Johnson
Published in
2 min readOct 11, 2018

Earlier this week, we implemented a feature that automatically resizes your very large images, down to a more optimized size (2000 X 2000px or less). This will allow for quicker viewing of the images in your Media Library, both on your desktop and mobile device. We hope this will give you an overall better experience during the creation process.

Our feature addition resulted in unintended consequences on the uploading of images, and on previously saved Custom Templates and Drafts.

The good news is we were able to quickly identify the issue and push up a fix. So, you should now be able to upload all of your images without any issues. However, if you are uploading during the creation process and notice your photo won’t upload, try adding it to your Media Library first. This should allow the photo to be resized in the background. Please reach out if you’re running into any problems at all with uploading your images.

For those users whose Custom Templates and Drafts were affected, you may notice that your images are much smaller and somewhat skewed off the canvas. The easiest and quickest way to fix this is to delete the image and re-add it. Make sure to save your template again as well!

We hope we didn’t cause too much of an inconvenience and want to continue to make ScoreShots the best product out there. We really appreciate your patience and continued partnership. Please use the Support feature on your dashboard if you have any questions or concerns, anytime!

