Introducing ScoreShots Next

Aubron Wood
Published in
3 min readJun 15, 2018

Today we finally get to reveal ScoreShots Next! Over a year in the making, Next is the most expansive update we’ve ever built, and we’re so excited to finally get it into our partners’ hands. Starting today, we’re accepting requests for beta users from among our current partners, and it will be available to everyone by the end of the month.

ScoreShots (as you know it today) will be known as ScoreShots Legacy going forward, and it will remain online through at least the end of the year. All partners with a Legacy subscription will have a Next subscription for the same duration at no additional charge.

When we started our journey down this path in 2016, our goal was simple: Provide a tool to help sports teams post more high quality social media content. Since then however, it has been our partners who have helped us define what that meant. It meant simple, fast, workflows. It meant leveraging the power of the cloud in new, exciting, ways. And through your feedback, we’ve been constantly pushing the limit of what a team can do from a web browser. Today we’re proud and thankful to have hundreds of teams across the country as ScoreShots partners, and in many ways our partners have built Next just as much as we have.

Faster and More Powerful than Ever

ScoreShots Next is a complete rewrite, with every corner of the product redesigned and reworked. What does that mean for our current customers? We could list things all day, but here are some of the significant updates from Next:

  • Speed — Next loads on average about 10 times faster than Legacy. It uses about 100 times less data during your standard graphic creation process. Adding files from your device or your Media Library is instantaneous.
  • Mobile Compatibility — Next has a new responsive UI that works great on mobile phones. Install it to your device as an App for a fully native experience.
  • Motion Graphics — For our partners with video (and all migrating partners during the beta period), we have some great new motion graphics features to share, and it’s just the beginning of a larger feature set. For now, use all the same templates, and create motion graphics from images using fades, zooms, and pans.
  • Template Switching — We’ve been there; you’re halfway through creating a graphic when you realize you’d like to frame it differently. In Legacy, you’d have to start over, trying different templates until you find one that works. With Next, you can swap to another template in a single click, carrying over your backgrounds, logos, and text from one template to another. Find your perfect look, without losing work!
  • And More to Come

We’ll have more detail to share later this month. For now, we invite any partners who want to test out Next to fill out our quick beta request form. We’ll be constantly adding clients to the beta as we near a full release!

As always, we invite you to contact us with any feedback you have. Feedback tools are available in the beta, and you can reach us via email at

Thanks Again,
The ScoreShots Team

