ScoreShots Next now in Open Beta 🎉

Aubron Wood
Published in
2 min readJun 26, 2018


A couple of weeks ago we announced ScoreShots Next, our most expansive update ever to the ScoreShots product. With a new, faster interface that works great on mobile, powerful new motion graphics tools, and new features like template swapping, ScoreShots Next is a huge leap for us, and we’ve been ecstatic to see the response to the closed beta.

Following exceptional demand and positive initial feedback, we’ve decided to release ScoreShots Next to all current partners. Any client interested in trying out Next can now do so. The link to opt-in is on the ScoreShots Legacy dashboard, and it will walk you through creating an account. Creating a Next account does not delete or modify your Legacy account, you can continue to use both as needed.

Overall we hope you all enjoy Next as much as we’ve enjoyed making it, and we look forward to your feedback over the coming months.

ScoreShots Next Features

  • Mobile Interface — Create posts on your phone or tablet. All the same features, in a condensed UI. Install to your phone for an even better experience.
  • Speed — ScoreShots Next is around 10 times faster than Legacy, and uses around 100 times less data during the creation of a graphic.
  • Motion Graphics — Animate your images with fades, zooms, and pans, as well as apply full video overlays.
  • Template Switching — Switch templates at the push of a button, preserving logos, backgrounds and text.
  • Green Screen Removal — Remove green screens from behind players for easy cutouts. (Other colors like Blue Screens and White Removal coming soon)

Next and Legacy FAQ

  • What’s Legacy? Legacy is the new name for the older version of ScoreShots, located at
  • Is Legacy Going Away? We have committed to keeping Legacy online through at least the end of this year, at which point we will evaluate its use and determine when it will be deprecated in favor of Next.
  • Is My Subscription Still Good? All legacy clients have a next subscription for the same duration.
  • What’s Missing from Next? We’re still moving over our 350+ template library from Legacy to Next. In particular, custom templates for your team and dynamic templates are likely to be few in number as we move to the new system. All of these should be in Next in the coming weeks.
  • My Login Doesn’t Work on Next. Next supports having many users per account, so that your team can collaborate in one space. As such, we’ve moved to a new account and login system for Next. To generate your Next account, click on the Opt-In button on your legacy dashboard. (Note: only the primary account holder should do this, and then invite other team members)

