Learning How To Read Transit Charts After You Understand Birth Charts

One of the most commonly used tools in predictive astrology

Sophie F
Soph Astrology


Photo by Yash Raut on Unsplash

By now, many people connected to the online realm have discovered their ‘zodiac’ sign, the common name given for the Sun sign, and have possibly even delved into unravelling their birth chart. Your birth chart is basically a picture of the sky at the moment of your entry into the world.

Once you have a solid grasp of the archetypes of the 12 signs, planets (a word used to include the planets, luminaries, angles and objects in this case), the houses, and how these make up the unique energy combination of you, the next step in learning astrology is understanding how transits affect the birth chart. Transit charts are one of several chart types involved in what is often called ‘predictive’ astrology.

What Are Transits?

The planets are constantly moving around up in space, and therefore they are likewise always moving around the zodiac too. We call snapshots of where the planets are in real-time, at a certain moment, transit charts.

We can look at a transit chart for a particular moment on its own, or overlaid on top of a birth chart. When viewed on its own, seeing in which signs particular planets are, and what aspects…

