Artists To Stream Based on Your Moon Sign

The sign where the moon lies in your birth chart is said to broadly describe the way you feel and process emotions

Sophie F
Soph Astrology


Photo by Jamakassi on Unsplash

I have always enjoyed streaming music, and as I became more interested in astrology, I began to look up the birth charts of some of my favourite artists.

I wondered if there could be some sort of affinity between any of the placements in their birth charts and those in my own, to see if there were clues to why some music resonates with us while our friends might not think much of it at all.

Alas, astonishingly, I discovered that some of my most favourite singers ever — Mallrat (Grace Shaw), Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, and Lady Gaga, to name a few — all have their moon in Scorpio, which happens to be mine as well. This gave me more confidence in thinking that the emotional style of these singers is similar and that it supports that music indeed succeeds in showcasing the personal, inner creativity of the artist.

Some songs you just deeply resonate with. You feel as though they are speaking directly to your soul, that they get you. They remind you that you are valid, that your feelings are felt in the same way by other people.

