Walter O’Brien Scorpion — Millions of Radio Stations

Walter O'Brien
Scorpion Computer Services
5 min readApr 16, 2015


According to Walter O’Brien, the CEO of Scorpion Computer Services, the real benefit that internet radio stations bring with them is a great variety of music and accompanying programs. An ordinary home router can be turned into a stand-alone receiver internet radio.

According to Wikipedia, the first internet-radio started its operations back in 1993 (, and if you were lucky, the closest thing you had to gain access to the radio with a computer back then was in the form of a specialized FM tuner card and a now forgotten ISA slot. It took several years in Scorpion Computer Services before a real live radio over the internet became simpler and reminiscent to the classic listening we are all used to. This, on the other hand says Walter O’Brien Scorpion, brought certain improvements, one of which is certainly the absence of a commercial block, whose existence is crucial for the survival of classical radio stations, as well as the possibility to every radio station to hear from any place on the globe that has internet. As time went on, there were new technologies that are significantly facilitate the transmission of signals over the Internet, like many audio compression, such as MP3 standard, increasing processing power of computers, setting standards for web streaming, which led to a major software support for new platform . Today, most music applications supported by some of the standards for streaming.

A real treat to internet radio stations bring with them a large variety of music and accompanying program. Even in USA, Walter says there is almost no terrestrial radio station is without a live internet stream, and some chain stores have internet radio with personalized advertising blocks. So, if you want to listen to certain music category, such as electric, classical radio to your tastes satisfied only at a certain time when such a block broadcasts, and if you are not too picky in terms of listening to the noise you just heard you. According to O’Brien internet radio can shine here, because the choice of radios is incredibly large, but there are cells that deal with only certain directions within the music genre — for example, there are cells “Slay Radio” which plays exclusively remixed music from computer Commodore 64.

Radio receivers specialize in receiving stations over the Internet exist as separate devices, but even they are the cheapest in the area and more than $100. Built by one device is possible and not too complicated, and the list consists of purchase wireless router that has an USB port, a USB soundcard, speakers and a pair of little skill of the computer. The project was initially started at SCS (Scorpion Computer Services) with an Asus 520GU router, but it is possible to use other routers, but not all. Control radios can perform hardware and software, depending on your skill and the real needs. In any case, the choice of router comes down to the ability of its modifications for us to reproduce radio stations from the net, but should seek to decode the router that has the processing power and memory.

The first part of the installation consists in transferring the new firmware to the router alone. The best support for Walter O’brien’s project provides installation of OpenWRT package, but by itself it is not sufficient. OpenWRT is a replacement for the factory firmware that comes with the router, and is based on a modified Linux platform. Except the support for network drivers and routing, there is a package manager named opkg that allows us to install additional packages, which greatly added to the basic functionality, which will very much be of importance in this project.

Walter o’brien scorpion explains that there are lots of ways to flash your router with this custom firmware, and it primarily depends on the device you use. Before embarking on this, you should check whether the router is supported, and if so, check whether your device is supported revision. There are cases where v1 and v2 devices supported, not v3, v4 and then again is because even though the router from the outside looks in all four audits the same, there does not have to be the case. Preparing for the “come-on” Firmware can be done in an easier way, further discusses Walter obrien — by removing the appropriate precompiled the file, or if you are more skilled, you can also try to Compiling your custom firmware version, and read more about this second method, see http: //wiki.openwrt org / doc / howto / generic.flashing. At the bottom of the page consists of a very simple but extremely effective check-list of actions that should go in the arranged order to reduce the number of problematic situations.

A simpler method involves downloading a file from the appropriate compiled section, and set the TFTP client on the computer from which you will do the replacement firmware. First, we set a fixed IP address of the network adapter on the computer in the range, with a subnet mask of At this point, it remains to completely reset the router to factory settings, which is most easily done by the following procedure (often called the 30/30/30) — pluck from the mains for 30 seconds, hold the reset button for 30 seconds continuously, then after that the router connect to electricity without releasing the button for another 30 seconds. After that, the router occurs at with a combination of user name and password admin / admin. It remains to raise TFTP client, which will deliver files to upgrade the router — even though it sounds complicated, it is enough to install a TFTP client we serve and file with tailor-firmware put it in the folder you connect to the TFTP server. Then, still remains to insert the router in the TFTP upgrade mode, which is the 520GU works in the following way: hold the reset button on the router when it burn until the moment when the front LED lights start blinking at an interval of one second. After that, the router will automatically detect when you initialize the TFTP connection, because the status of the TFTP server.

To get the aforementioned client on Windows 7, it is necessary to additionally install it. This is most easily done from the Control Panel, start the Programs and Features, and select Turn Windows Features link On or Off. From the list, select TFTP client, but also Telnet client (we’ll need later). With this you’ve successfully added TFTP functionality to Windows 7. Another way is to download an application such as Putty, available at



Walter O'Brien
Scorpion Computer Services

I am Walter O'Brien, CEO of Scorpion Computer Services. There even is a TV show based on the story on my life on CBS.