Dear future boyfriends…

Here are a few things you should know before dating my daughters (or advice I wish I got as a teenager).

Scott Berchman
Scott Berchman
Published in
2 min readMar 24, 2017


If you are serious about your relationship with my daughters:

  • Go out of your way to make sure they know that they’re something special. I’ve only had them in my life for 7 years and 5 years and I make sure they feel unstoppable everyday. The are amazing in every way.
  • Be genuinely interested. Ask them about their passions, their fears and their dreams.
  • Listen to them. You need to pay attention to every word they say, with the intention to care about what they’re going to tell you.
  • Know that anything you do or say to them can put them on a pedestal or knock them off of it.
  • Don’t ever play games with their emotions.
  • Don’t ever play games with their emotions over a text message.
  • Don’t ever have an argument over a text message. Be a man and talk face-to-face.
  • Don’t ever put them on a motorcycle.
  • Aside from their safety and happiness, their education is of the utmost importance. Care about it and make sure their school work is done without interruption. If their grades dwindle, so does your time with them.
  • Find experiences to share with them: go hiking, find a sunset, volunteer together — these are moments that matter. (I’ll even drive you if you don’t have your license yet and give you $20 for lunch).
  • Our daughters see us, their parents, being affectionate and honest. They see us communicate and model a healthy relationship for them. If you come in with anything sub-par they’re going to know it.
  • Finally, don’t do anything stupid.


The Daddy

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